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Southampton: 325 Meeting House Lane, Southampton, NY 11968 - 631.287.6662

Manhattan: 211 East 70th Street, New York, NY 10021 - 212.931.0700

Center Moriches: 445 Main Street, Center Moriches, NY 11934 - 631.878.9200

Palm Beach: 265 Sunrise Avenue, Palm Beach, FL 33480 – 561.669.3178

Stop the Squinting: Be Smart About the Sun

Herewith, a crash course in U’s and V’s…or, in other words, how sunny is it and what do I need to do about it?


The Ultraviolet index is a measurement of the strength of UV radiation at a particular time and place. It’s a standard scale used around the globe, with a range of 0 to 11.

            *0-2: This is considered low danger, but the Environmental Protection Agency recommends sunglasses and broad spectrum SPF 30+ protection. Also, avoid bright surfaces (sand, water) that can reflect and intensify UV rays.

            *3-5: Moderate danger. Seek shade during the height of the sun, at midday. Wear protective clothing, hat, sunscreen if outdoors, and reapply sunscreen every two hours.

            *6-7: High risk. Reduce time in the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Follow protective measures as above.

            *8-10: Very high risk. Follow above.

            *11+: Extreme. Avoid the sun or if you have to be outside, follow the above.


As we know, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause early wrinkling and brown spots, and puts you at risk for skin cancer. While most of us enjoy being outside in the summer, not many of us really want to have old-looking skin, or illness. Staying safe while spending time in the sun is an easy thing to do. It may just require a little extra awareness and preparation on your part. Remember, tanned skin is damaged skin…and who wants that.


Here is some more specific information for protecting your skin and keeping you looking young, beautiful and healthy, particularly when the UV rays are at their most dangerous.

  • Stay indoors between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., when the burning rays of the sun are at their height. There are two types: UVA rays cause aging and wrinkles and contribute to skin cancer. UVB rays cause sunburn and skin cancer.
  • Go nowhere without sunscreen:
    • More is better, so don’t scrimp. Make sure that it has a SPF of 30 or higher and it says   “broad spectrum” on the label, which means that it will handle both UVA and UVB rays. Also, be sure that it is water-resistant, and that you apply it all over your body 15 to 30   minutes before leaving the house.
    • Use sunscreen even when it is cloudy outside, when you are driving in a car and inside a window. UVA rays penetrate clouds, glass and water, so when you’re swimming, make sure to apply plenty of waterproof sunscreen.
    • If you wear foundation, apply the sunscreen first and let it absorb before continuing with your makeup.
    • Don’t forget the lip balm. SPF 15 or more is best.
    • And, don’t forget the tops of your ears, hairline, the “V” of your chest, nose, hands and tops of your feet. Eighty percent of skin cancer occurs on the head, neck and hands.
  • Wear protective clothing, including hats, sleeves and sunglasses. Dark, tightly woven fabrics provide more protection than lightly colored ones.
  • Be aware that umbrellas and shade trees do only so much. They give moderate protection from ultraviolet light, and they don’t protect you from light that is reflected off of sand, snow, concrete and other surfaces.
  • Avoid tanning oils. These essentially cook your skin.
  • Be conscious of your medications. Certain medicines can make your skin extra sensitive to sun exposure, including tetracycline, diuretics and even herbal formulations such as St. John’s Wort.


If you suspect that you have sun damage, call our office to schedule a complimentary consultation. We’ll suggest specific treatments that can help to minimize the appearance of wrinkles and brown spots.


See you soon.

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Dr. Covey has locations in Southampton, Manhattan, Center Moriches and Palm Beach.