Cosmetic Concerns

Top Procedures for Men
Top Procedures for Women
Acne and Acne Scarring
You are not alone. Acne is the most common skin condition in the world. Though it typically affects teenagers, men and women of all ages can develop facial blemishes and the scarring that often follows. Some conditions are fleeting; some are chronic. All can be treated safely and effectively.
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Aging Eyes
They may be the windows to your soul, but they may also be the windows to your age. The eyes are one of the first places where the signs of aging appear.
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Brown Spots and Sun Spots
Ultraviolet radiation from the sun permanently changes the genetic structure of your skin cells. Over time, sun exposure may produce pigmented lesions on your skin, including freckling and brown spots, and can also lead to different types of skin cancer.
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The appearance of cellulite is particularly upsetting, even though about 85% of women over the age of 20 experience the condition in varying degrees. Cellulite, which is also known as adiposis edematosa, is characterized by dimpled lumpy skin that appears to have fat deposits lying underneath its surface. It is most noticeable on the buttocks and thighs, and can appear elsewhere on the body, including the abdomen, hips and arms.
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Lines and Wrinkles
Life changes our skin. Over time, our skin becomes damaged by unavoidable exposure to the sun, air pollution, stress, fatigue, smoking and other life and age-related challenges. All of these stressors cause damage, and keep us from looking as good on the outside as we may feel on the inside. Dr. Covey is committed to offering you the safest, most advanced alternatives to plastic surgery.
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Mommy Makeover
At a time when so many hours of the day are devoted to caring for your baby, you may feel that you don’t have the time or energy to take care of yourself. But, feeling and looking as great as you can is critical for your self-esteem and general well-being at this exciting time.
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Rosacea and Red Spots
Vascular lesions, commonly called “spider veins,” are extra blood vessels that are superficially located in the skin. Often, the skin of cheeks, chin and forehead appears red. The condition may be hereditary, or caused by injury, injections, weight gain, age, prolonged periods of standing, sun exposure or hormonal factors such as puberty, pregnancy and menopause.
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Sagging Skin
You may have noticed that the skin that used to appear taut and firm has begun to droop. With time, your body’s production of collagen has slowed. This natural anchoring substance under the skin gives you a youthful and lifted appearance. But as it depletes, whether by simple aging or hereditary and environmental factors, your skin may begin to sag. Combined with the gradual decrease in elastin, the material that provides suppleness and resilience, skin loses its youthful tension and spring.
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Unwanted Fat
Many times, no matter what you do, your body may not look exactly the way you want it to. Despite dieting and exercise, you may find that localized pockets of fat remain, causing frustration, embarrassment and low self-esteem.
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