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Category: Infini

Reclaiming Confidence: Non-Invasive Treatments for Acne Scarring


Acne scars can have a profound impact on self-esteem, serving as a constant reminder of past breakouts and leaving behind uneven skin texture and pigmentation. Fortunately, advancements in non-invasive cosmetic treatments offer hope for those seeking to diminish the appearance of acne scars without resorting to invasive procedures. Procedures like Fraxel Repair, Fraxel Dual and Infini offer effective solutions for achieving smoother, more even-toned skin without surgery.


Fraxel RepairFraxel Repair is a fractional laser treatment that delivers targeted beams of light to the skin, stimulating collagen production and promoting skin renewal. This innovative technology penetrates deep into the dermis, effectively targeting even the most stubborn acne scars. Fraxel Repair is known for its ability to deliver dramatic results with minimal downtime, making it a popular choice for those seeking noticeable improvement in their skin texture and tone.


Fraxel Dual: Fraxel Dual utilizes two wavelengths of light to target both superficial and deep layers of the skin. This dual-action approach allows for comprehensive treatment of acne scars, addressing both pigmentation issues and textural irregularities. Fraxel Dual treatments are customizable to each individual’s needs and offer significant improvement in the appearance of acne scars.


Infini: Infini combines radiofrequency energy with microneedling to effectively treat acne scars from multiple angles. The microneedles create tiny channels in the skin, allowing the radiofrequency energy to penetrate deeply and stimulate collagen production. This results in smoother, more evenly toned skin with reduced acne scars and improved texture. Infini treatments are safe for all skin types and offer long-lasting results.


With advancements in technology and innovative treatment options like Fraxel Repair, Fraxel Dual and Infini, achieving smoother, more even-toned skin is within reach for individuals struggling with acne scarring.  Call our office today to learn more.


See you soon.


Beyond the Knife: Non-Surgical Facelift Options for a Youthful Glow

Embracing a vibrant and youthful appearance doesn’t always necessitate going under the knife. Thanks to advancements in non-surgical facelift options, achieving a lifted and rejuvenated look has become more accessible than ever. Let’s explore some non-surgical treatments that are transforming the landscape of facial rejuvenation.


Fraxel: Resurface for Radiance


Fraxel, a fractional laser treatment, stands out as a powerful tool for addressing multiple signs of aging. By stimulating collagen production and targeting specific areas of the skin, Fraxel promotes a smoother texture, diminishes fine lines, and reduces pigmentation irregularities. The result? A refreshed and radiant complexion without the need for invasive procedures.


Thermage and Exilis: Tighten and Tone


For those seeking skin tightening without surgery, Thermage and Exilis Ultra 360 offer non-invasive solutions. These radiofrequency treatments deliver controlled heat deep into the skin, stimulating collagen production and tightening loose or sagging areas. Thermage and Exilis are particularly effective for enhancing the contours of the face, creating a lifted and youthful appearance.


Infini: Precision in Rejuvenation


Infini, a high-intensity focused radiofrequency (RF) treatment, takes a precise approach to facial rejuvenation. By delivering RF energy through microneedles, Infini targets specific layers of the skin, promoting collagen synthesis and tightening. The result is improved skin elasticity, reduced fine lines, and a more lifted facial contour.


Fillers: Restore Volume and Soften Lines


Dermal fillers, such Restylane Defyne, Restylane Lyft, Juvederm Voluma and Belotero, offer a non-surgical solution for replenishing lost volume and softening facial lines. By strategically injecting fillers into areas that need a lift or added fullness, practitioners can sculpt the face, addressing concerns like nasolabial folds and sunken cheeks with natural-looking results.


Botox: Smooth Away Wrinkles


Botox, a household name in non-invasive cosmetic procedures, excels in smoothing dynamic wrinkles caused by muscle movement. By temporarily relaxing targeted facial muscles, Botox minimizes the appearance of crow’s feet, forehead lines, and frown lines, contributing to a more relaxed and youthful expression.


In the realm of non-surgical facelift options, the choices are diverse and exciting. Non-surgical treatments empower individuals to achieve a youthful glow without the need for invasive procedures. Your journey to radiant, rejuvenated skin starts beyond the knife, embracing the artistry of non-surgical facial enhancement. Schedule your appointment today, and I’ll design a treatment plan to help you look best without surgery.


See you soon.


Flawless Skin Awaits: Treating Acne Scarring

If you’ve been struggling with the aftermath of acne scarring, you’re not alone. Acne scars can be a frustrating and persistent reminder of past breakouts. They often result from the body’s natural healing process, which can lead to the formation of raised or depressed scars, red or brown discoloration, and uneven skin texture. While scars vary in type and severity, they can affect one’s self-esteem and confidence. The good news is that there are advanced treatments available to help you achieve smoother, clearer, and more radiant skin.



Infini is a cutting-edge radiofrequency microneedling treatment designed to stimulate collagen production in the skin. By delivering controlled energy through fine needles, Infini helps to remodel the scar tissue, reducing the appearance of acne scars. It’s particularly effective for atrophic (indented) scars, helping to fill them in and make them less noticeable.


Fraxel Repair and Fraxel Dual

Fraxel Repair and Fraxel Dual are fractional laser treatments that work by targeting tiny sections of the skin, leaving surrounding areas untouched. This approach stimulates collagen production and promotes skin rejuvenation. Fraxel Repair is more aggressive and suitable for deeper scars, while Fraxel Dual is a milder option that can be used to treat superficial acne scars. Both treatments can improve skin texture, reduce pigmentation irregularities, and smooth out scars.


Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers, such as Juvederm and Restylane, are often used to add volume to the skin. They can be an effective solution for addressing indented acne scars by filling them in and creating a smoother surface. Dermal fillers can also help with rolling scars and atrophic scars, offering an immediate improvement in the appearance of the skin.


Don’t let acne scarring hold you back—call our office today and I’ll create a tailored treatment plan that suits your unique needs and goals.


See you soon.


Say Goodbye to Saggy Jowls: A Guide to Effective Treatments

Saggy jowls can be a common concern as we age, but there’s no need to let them undermine your confidence. We offer multiple treatments that can help you combat sagging jowls and achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.


Thermage and Exilis Ultra 360

Both Thermage and Exilis Ultra 360 use radiofrequency technology to stimulate collagen production deep within the skin. Collagen is essential for skin elasticity and firmness. These treatments can help tighten saggy jowls, providing a non-invasive alternative to surgery. The results become more pronounced over time and can last for a year or more.


Fraxel Repair

Fraxel Repair is a fractional laser treatment that improves the texture and firmness of the skin. It can be used to resurface the lower face, reducing sagging jowls, and promoting a smoother appearance. Fraxel Repair is suitable for more severe sagging and offers long-lasting results.



Infini is a radiofrequency microneedling treatment that targets saggy jowls by stimulating collagen production. The tiny needles deliver energy to the skin, leading to skin tightening and a reduction in sagging. Infini is an excellent option for individuals looking to improve the definition of their jawline without surgery.


With the help of these innovative and non-invasive treatments, you can say goodbye to saggy jowls and regain a more youthful, lifted, and confident appearance. The right treatment for saggy jowls depends on your individual needs, the extent of sagging, and your desired outcomes.  Schedule a consultation and I’ll develop a personalized treatment strategy exclusively for your needs.


Unveiling the Marvels of Infini Microneedling: Elevating Your Skincare Game

In the quest for flawless and youthful skin, various skincare treatments have emerged over the years. One such groundbreaking innovation that has gained significant attention is Infini Microneedling. This cutting-edge procedure has revolutionized the skincare industry, offering a non-surgical solution to address a wide range of skin concerns.


What is Infini Microneedling?


Infini Microneedling is an advanced cosmetic procedure that combines the power of microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) technology. It involves the use of tiny needles that penetrate the skin’s surface, creating microchannels while simultaneously delivering controlled RF energy into the deeper layers of the skin. This unique combination stimulates collagen production, promotes skin rejuvenation, and addresses a variety of skin concerns, including wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, uneven skin tone, and sagging skin.


The Benefits of Infini Microneedling:


  1. Skin Rejuvenation: Infini Microneedling stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, vital proteins responsible for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. As a result, it helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin, giving your complexion a more youthful and rejuvenated look.
  2. Scar Improvement: Whether caused by acne, surgery, or injury, scars can often be a source of self-consciousness. Infini Microneedling can significantly improve the appearance of scars by breaking down scar tissue, stimulating new collagen formation, and promoting smoother and more even skin texture.
  3. Hyperpigmentation and Uneven Skin Tone: Infini Microneedling can effectively target areas of hyperpigmentation, such as sunspots or melasma, by encouraging the production of fresh, healthy skin cells. This results in a more even skin tone, reduced discoloration, and an overall brighter complexion.
  4. Minimal Downtime: Unlike invasive procedures, Infini Microneedling boasts minimal downtime. While the skin may appear slightly red and experience mild swelling immediately after the treatment, these effects typically subside within a few hours to a couple of days. This allows you to resume your daily activities with minimal interruption.


With Infini Microneedling, you can expect to see noticeable improvements in your skin’s texture, tone, and overall appearance. Many individuals experience a reduction in fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars, along with a brighter and more youthful complexion. For optimal results, multiple treatment sessions may be recommended, spaced a few weeks apart.


See you soon.


Neck News

For many of you, the neck is a body area that you’d like to improve. Because the skin is so delicate, it’s prone to changes in tautness, smoothness and color, particularly as we age.


Some of you may notice little lines or bands that run horizontally around the neck or vertical cords (platysmal bands) that become prominent. Also, when collagen and elastin decrease over time, the skin on your neck may sag and look crepey. Changes in color may include brown spots and pigmentation, particularly on the decolletage, the chest area. Or, you may see red, blotchy or wrinkly skin, most often due to excessive exposure to the sun.


At home, remember to moisturize and use SPF and retinol products, as you would on your face. If you are still not happy, come see us. We have many ways to help your neck look beautiful and more youthful. Here are a few:


Infini: This radio frequency microneedling treatment tightens the neck and jowls and reduces crepiness, too.


Thermage CPT: This tightens skin on the neck and jowls, non-invasively. It’s often called a “Thermal Lift” treatment, and it’s highly effective for many areas of the body.


Exilis Ultra 360: Another thermal treatment, Exilis Ultra 360 tightens skin on the neck and jowls and reduces fat, non-invasively.


Fraxel Repair: This laser treatment resurfaces and tightens the skin on the neck and jowls and reduces crepiness and hyperpigmentation (brown spots). It is the procedure of choice for deep lines, hard-to-erase lip lines, pronounced photodamage, sagging face and neck skin, facial wrinkles and discolorations, age-related/sun-damaged rough skin texture, acne and surgical scars.


SmartLipo Triplex: This laser procedure permanently removes fat by destroying fat cells, removing them and tightening the skin. It is effective for large areas of the body as well as smaller ones, like the neck.


Kybella: This series of injections dissolves submental fat permanently and causes some skin contraction, too. Once fat cells are destroyed, they can no longer store or accumulate fat, so re-treatment is not expected.


Call our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation. We’ll devise an individual treatment plan just for you.


See you soon.


Men Are Body-Conscious, Too

When people talk about body image, we often assume that they are referring to women. But men experience similar insecurities about their physical appearance, according to many studies published worldwide.


Many men worry about beer bellies, love handles, man “boobs” and hair loss, among other issues associated with aging.


More than four in five men (80.7 percent) talk in ways that promote anxiety about their body image by referring to perceived flaws and imperfections, compared with 75 percent of women, according to a study from the University of the West of England. The study also revealed that 23 percent of the surveyed men didn’t go to the gym because they were concerned about their appearance and 63 percent thought that their arms and chests were not muscular enough.


A study in 2016 by Chapman University researchers, published in the journal Psychology of Men and Masculinity, showed that:


  • About 25 percent of the men were dissatisfied with their appearance, compared to about 28.5 percent of women.
  • More than half of the men had gone on diets in the past year, and nearly 42 percent were unhappy with their weight.
  • About 37 percent did not like the condition of their muscle tone.
  • About 69 percent felt judged on their looks and felt pressure from magazines and television to have a slimmer and more muscular body.


So, if you are male and concerned about your body shape, you are not alone. It’s likely that you

have dieted and spent hours in the gym. Sometimes, these tactics are not enough for certain trouble spots or for men of certain ages.


In our offices, one of the most popular procedures for men is SmartLipo Triplex, particularly for the neck, abdomen and breast area. SmartLipo Triplex is a minimally invasive method for removing unwanted fat and sculpting areas of the body that you’d like to change.


We also find that Kybella is effective for reducing the double chin, a common male problem that often resists diet and exercise. This procedure slims and contours the area below and around your chin and neck, without surgery.


You may also be concerned about the effects of aging, sun damage and stress, all of which can negatively impact how you feel about yourself at home and at work. Many male patients come see us for Botox, particularly for their foreheads and crow’s feet, and for dermal fillers that minimize the folds around their noses and corners of their mouths. Some of these fillers include BeloteroJuvedermRestylane LyftRestylane Silk and Radiesse. Also, to decrease wrinkles and sagging on the face and around the eyes, many men come to us for Thermage CPTInfini and Fraxel Repair Laser Treatments.


If you’re not entirely happy with how you look, don’t hesitate to call our office for a complimentary consultation. We’ll try to help you look and feel your best.


See you soon.


And Now, Your Neck: Option 2 – Kybella

Last week, you heard about the radiofrequency microneedling treatment, Infini. This week, we’ll talk about Kybella, one of the latest nonsurgical options for an aging neck. Clearly, one of the most pressing cosmetic concerns for women and men, a wrinkling neck presents numerous treatment options, all of which yield effective and safe results.


Despite what you may have read about drinking extra water, doing neck exercises and rubbing retinoids into your skin, superficial efforts such as these really can’t reverse the signs of aging. Definitive improvement is possible, though, with minimally invasive FDA-approved procedures that we perform routinely in our offices.


In fact, I’m proud to have been one of the first physicians in the area to offer Kybella, a nonsurgical treatment that slims and contours the area below and around your chin and neck. It’s the first and only FDA-approved treatment to reduce submental fullness, more commonly known as “double chin.” Submental fullness affects both men and women, and can be influenced by several factors such as aging, genetics and weight gain. A double chin is often resistant to diet and exercise and can detract from a balanced facial appearance, resulting in an older and heavier look.


After a series of injections, the fat cells under your chin will be permanently destroyed. Once this happens, they can’t accumulate or store more fat, so your new thin contour is expected to remain over time. In the end, your double chin will be minimized, and lines and wrinkles will have been decreased.


As with all of our treatments, a specific plan will be developed just for you, depending on your individual needs and concerns. Call our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation.


Next week, we’ll talk about another safe and effective procedure for your neck…Thermage CPT.


See you soon.


And Now, Your Neck: Option 1 – Infini

It may not be the first place where you look for signs of aging, but once you notice it, it may become your biggest concern. The neck–and how it wrinkles and sags–produces all sorts of angst in both women and men.


You may be doing flexing and stretching exercises, lifting your head to the sky and pulsing your chin, and you may be slathering on one lotion after another, hoping to tighten what used to be beautiful smooth skin. Unfortunately, many of these techniques produce no results. They just make you feel that you are taking action.


Definitive improvement is possible, though. In the next few blogs, I’ll be telling you about several options for tightening the skin on your neck, all of which yield dramatic results.


First, there is Infini, a radiofrequency (RF) device that smooths wrinkles and firms and plumps skin that has been damaged by routine aging, overexposure to the sun or other stressful conditions. It requires little recuperation time while offering the results of a nonsurgical facelift. Also, it may be used on all types and colors of skin, even that which is dark or tanned.


Using a patented 3-dimensional wrinkle reduction technology system, Infini delivers focused heat energy beneath the skin (epidermis), where wrinkles originate. Through tiny microneedles, RF energy is placed precisely where it needs to go to boost the production of collagen, which is the support tissue that keeps skin looking youthful, full and smooth. The outer skin is left cool and untouched.


In the end, your neck will appear plump and elastic, and lines and wrinkles will be minimized.


As with all of our treatments, a specific plan will be developed just for you, depending on your individual needs and concerns. Call our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation.


Next week, we’ll talk about one of the latest procedures for your neck…Kybella.


See you soon.


Treat Yourself Now: Schedule a Mommy Makeover

If it’s been about six months since you’ve had your baby, you may be feeling more like yourself. You may have lost most of your pregnancy weight and stopped nursing, you may be sleeping more, you may be back at work. But there may be a few cosmetic issues that have lingered, and really bother you. Most new moms aren’t prepared for some of the changes that their bodies will endure, but many of them are reversible.


Pregnancy and breastfeeding can take a toll on the skin and body, specifically the face and stomach. It is not uncommon for you to experience an array of conditions, including acne, acne scarring, melasma (darkened facial skin), cellulite, unwanted fat, unwanted hair growth, prominent facial blood vessels, loose skin, brown spots and stretch marks.


You may be feeling that you don’t have the time or the energy to address these issues right now, but your self-esteem and general well-being are important. A few simple cosmetic treatments can boost your overall mood more than you may imagine. Now, with a few holiday weeks coming up, you may find that you have some extra time to invest in yourself.


Here’s how I can help:

• For acne: pulsed dye laserDermaFracmicrodermabrasion
• For melasma: Fraxel DUAL laser
• For cellulite: CellulazeExilis Ultra 360
• For unwanted fat: SmartLipo Triplex, Exilis Ultra 360
• For unwanted hair growth: Laser Hair Removal, IPL Hair Removal
• For facial blood vessels: Diolite (KTP532) laser, IPL (intense pulsed light)
• For loose skin: INFINI™, Thermage CPT, Exilis Ultra 360, Fraxel lasers, laser wrinkle reduction
• For brown spots: Fraxel DUAL laser, IPL (intense pulsed light), Diolite (KTP532) laser
• For stretch marks: Fraxel lasers, Infini
• For acne scarring: INFINI™, Fraxel lasers, pulsed dye laser, dermal fillers
• For vaginal laxity: Ultra Femme 360


Call our office to schedule a complimentary consultation. I’ll tailor a post-baby treatment plan just for you.


See you soon.


Your Pre-Holiday Beauty Boost

When the calendar flips to November, the holidays aren’t far behind. It’s the season for looking your best, and dramatic results are possible, even in just a few weeks.

There is still time for many quick in-and-out treatments that will make all the difference in your appearance. Instantly, you’ll look fresh and rested, and you’ll feel invigorated, too…just the right recipe for the holiday season.

Here are a few suggestions for the upcoming weeks…

Try a nonsurgical mini facelift that will tighten skin and boost collagen production. With Thermage CPTwe can treat the skin on the eyelids, under-eye areas, abdomen, arms, legs and sagging buttocks. It’s the most effective lift treatment for a multitude of concerns, and the results are dramatic. Or, you can try an Exilis Ultra 360 treatment, which tightens, firms and tones loose and sagging skin and reshapes and melts stubborn fatty deposits anywhere on your face and body. Popular areas treated with Exilis include the face, jowls, neck, “love handles,” “bra fat,” abdomen, thighs, hips and buttocks.

Minimize lines and boost volume in your lips with Restylane Kysse, the latest filler for adding shape and definition to your mouth area.

Reduce wrinkles and tighten skin with Infini, a high intensity focused radiofrequency treatment that’s also terrific for minimizing acne scarring.

Restore facial volume with dermal fillers such as VolumaRadiesse and Restylane Lyft. These will reduce hollowness and diminish lines that have formed with age.

Smooth out forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet with Botox or Dysport.

Fill in smile lines, marionette lines or nasolabial folds (lines that stretch from the outer edge of the nostrils to the outer tip of the lips) with Restylane DefyneRestylane RefyneJuvedermRestylane or Radiesse.

All of these quick treatments are nonsurgical, requiring no anesthesia or downtime. You can be back in full swing immediately, looking younger and feeling that way, too.

Call our offices this week to schedule a pre-holiday appointment.

See you soon.


September, Seriously

Fall is the time for getting back to work and hitting the books. With vacation time behind us, we tend to become more serious in general about our day to day lives and responsibilities. An important part of every day is how we feel, with happiness being the overwhelming goal for many people. When we are happy, we typically do better–at work, at home, at school, and everywhere else.


How we feel about ourselves determines, in no small part, how happy we are. The more assured in our abilities, the more secure in our emotions, the more enthusiastic about the experiences we have, the happier we seem to be. How content we are with our appearance also plays a role in our overall well-being. It is an old adage–”Look good, feel good”–but I think that it is true.


We can help bring it to life for you, and now is a good time to start, or to begin again. Fall is self-improvement time, the perfect season for getting serious about making subtle changes that will enhance your natural good looks and your confidence.


Here is what we recommend for this month:


Lift Your Spirits, and Your Skin: Using advanced dermal fillers such as JuvedermRadiesseRestylaneRestylane DefyneRestylane Refyne, Restylane Kysse and Restylane Lyft, we can lift and contour facial features, restoring your natural fullness exactly where you need us to. Nonsurgical and virtually pain-free, this “liquid facelift” can reduce wrinkles, lines and folds, create a more rested and fresh look, and return your face to its curved former self.


Sometimes, we “lift” the entire face; sometimes, we target specific spots, such as bags under the eyes, marionette lines, sagging eye lids, jowls and flattened cheeks. We can even disguise bumps on the nose, a method that will keep you out of the operating room and free of anesthesia, recuperation and downtime.


No More Turtlenecks: Particularly effective for this area, Infini microneedling is a treatment for boosting your skin’s natural production of collagen and elastin, which are two of the most important substances for keeping your skin plump and youthful. Tiny needles, ones that are much smaller than the needles we use with dermal fillers, penetrate the top layer of your skin, triggering your body to create the new collagen and elastin. Results may include improved texture and firmness, and I’ve seen terrific success in the reduction of acne scarring, pore size and stretch marks.


Say Eye: Touted as the first nonsurgical facelift, Thermage CPT will actually transform skin all over your body. The Thermage CPT thermal lift will tighten loose skin on the eyelids, under-eye areas, abdomen, arms, legs and even your sagging buttocks. Thermage CPT, one of the most effective lift treatments for a multitude of concerns, yields dramatic results without incisions and recuperation.


In the eye area, for instance, Thermage CPT reduces “hooding,” improves texture, and tones and softens fine lines and crow’s feet. The treatment is a safe, effective and unique option for “eyelid rejuvenation.” The Body Shape procedure is ideal for men and women who are looking to help firm sagging skin and reduce unwanted bulges that dieting and exercise alone cannot seem to change.


Shape a Better You: SmartLipo Triplex is a minimally invasive method for removing unwanted fat and sculpting areas of the body that you’d like to change. A laser treatment that virtually melts fat cells and suctions them away, the Triplex technology is updated from the original SmartLipo system in that it uses three wavelengths of laser light and yields better fat removal, tighter skin and high-definition body sculpting capabilities.


Call our office for a complimentary consultation, and we’ll help devise a treatment plan just for you.


See you soon.

Call us today toll-free, (855) DRCOVEY, to schedule a complimentary consultation or ask a question.

Beautiful Natural Results

Dr. Covey's proven and effective treatment plans are tailored especially for you.

Dr. Covey is committed to helping you dramatically enhance your appearance without undergoing traditional surgery. Using the latest and safest cosmetic treatments for face and body rejuvenation, Dr. Covey will help you achieve natural beautiful results, quickly and effectively. Your personalized treatment plan is tailored to meet your specific cosmetic needs.

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Dr. Covey has locations in Southampton, Manhattan, Center Moriches and Palm Beach.