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Southampton: 325 Meeting House Lane, Southampton, NY 11968 - 631.287.6662

Manhattan: 211 East 70th Street, New York, NY 10021 - 212.931.0700

Center Moriches: 445 Main Street, Center Moriches, NY 11934 - 631.878.9200

Palm Beach: 265 Sunrise Avenue, Palm Beach, FL 33480 – 561.669.3178

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Category: Voluma

Midsummer’s Day Dream

Close your eyes and think of one thing about your appearance that you’d like to change. I bet that there is something, since most everybody has a wish list of some kind. The exciting news is that your day dream can probably be a reality.


Whether it is the hollowing of your cheeks that has occurred in the last year or so, or the double chin that persists despite your highly toned body, or those pockets of fat that just won’t go away despite your dieting and exercise, we have solutions that will fulfill your wishes for how you want to look.


Not too long ago, you couldn’t fill lost volume with Restylane, Perlane or Voluma. Or minimize submental fat under your chin with Kybella or eradicate actual fat cells with SmartLipo Triplex. In recent years, cosmetic treatments have given you the opportunity to restore your youthful appearance, appear rested and refreshed and feel simply great about yourself.


So, as summer hits its stride, why not dream a little? It’s a great season to wish for what you want.


Call our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation. We’ll talk about your specific wants and desires and help plan a course to satisfy them as best we can.


Meantime, remember the sunscreen.


See you soon.

Finding the Filler That Fits Your Face

Though we’ve been using dermal fillers for some time now, how we used them is always changing. For me, nothing is routine, because you are not routine. Each of you comes in to see me with not only a unique face, but also your own personal needs, desires and goals.


With all of these factors as a guide, I select the proper fillers to use in the proper places. In the end, your results will be optimal for you, not for the patient who walked in before you. This is why your treatments will help you to look naturally refreshed, youthful and more like you. A better version of yourself, we like to say.


To address your specific concerns, we use injectable fillers at different levels of the skin. Some fillers target fine lines. Some provide volume, and others add structure. Here is a basic guide to the best fillers currently available and some of the ways that we use them.


Belotero Balance addresses both deep wrinkles and superficial lines. Made from all-natural hyaluronic acid (HA), Belotero Balance can plump up your lips and discreetly smooth out laugh lines, upper lip lines, crow’s feet and marionette lines.


Juvederm is a gel filler that helps reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles in the nasolabial folds, the deep grooves or lines that extend from the corners of the nose down along the mouth. It is available in two forms – Ultra and Ultra Plus. Juvederm is the most advanced HA formula available today.


Juvederm Voluma XC is the first and only FDA-approved filler that instantly adds natural-looking volume to the cheeks. Derived from a naturally occurring complex sugar, It also works well to minimize crow’s feet, frown lines, worry lines, deep furrows and folds that appear around the eyes, nose, upper lip and mouth. Studies have shown that results may last as long as two years after treatment. Voluma XC has been available in Europe since 2005 and is used in 72 countries nationwide.


Radiesse is a safe, effective long-lasting treatment for unwanted defects in the face and hands.  On the face, Radiesse helps to minimize smile lines, augment cheeks and restore lost volume. In the hands, it can diminish the appearance of veins and tendons and also plump up sagging skin.


Restylane is successful in minimizing severe wrinkles and folds, including nasolabial and lip wrinkles. It is available in two additional formulations: Restylane Lyft is a nonsurgical age eraser for deep lines, wrinkles and folds, and restores volume to deflated areas of the face. Restylane Silk consists of extra small and smooth particles that help restore contour, fullness and smoothness to your lip and mouth area, giving your face a younger and fresher appearance.


So, whatever your goal is, we can tailor a treatment plan just for you. Please call our office and schedule a complimentary consultation today.


See you soon.

I Never Thought I Would Do This

Thank you all for attending our Spring Beauty Seminar this past weekend. I was happy to see so many of you there and am hoping that you learned all that you could about the latest cosmetic treatments that we offer. I look forward to seeing you in our offices in the coming weeks, particularly as the temperatures climb. I like to call spring “The Beauty Season,” since so many of you want to look your best as you spend more time outdoors.


For those of you who are considering our nonsurgical cosmetic procedures for the first time, I understand that the idea of it may get in your way. Mainly, you may not want anyone to know that you’ve been in for treatment.


So, here are a few first-time procedures that no one will know that you’ve had (and that you will forget that you’ve had by the time you’ve left our office). With no incisions, anesthesia or downtime, your treatment will be our little secret, if you want it to be. All that will be obvious is your rested and youthful look.


Botox: Worry lines, frown lines, laugh or smile lines, crow’s feet …these are all “dynamic” wrinkles caused from years of living and using facial muscles to show expression. The more emotion we show, the deeper the wrinkles and lines can be. Botox injections can safely and effectively soften lines and reduce wrinkles. Botox is also known as “cosmetic denervation” – a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that many patients have come to depend on to show results in a few days. The procedure takes under ten minutes, too.


Dermal fillers: Juvederm, Radiesse, Restylane (Silk and Lyft) and Voluma are a few of the FDA-approved treatments that restore fullness and contour that has diminished with age. These treatments are quick and easy, and show immediate results in all areas of the face, including cheeks, mouth, chin, nose and lips, as well as the hands.


Microdermabrasion: Microdermabrasion is simple, convenient and popular among patients showing early signs of aging, sun exposure and other facial imperfections. It not only exfoliates the skin’s surface, but also promotes new cell growth in the basal, or deepest layer of the skin. It also cleans the pores and stimulates collagen networking to further improve the skin’s texture. After the treatment, your skin will have a new fresh-looking glow.


Intense Pulsed Light : If your facial skin has lost its youthful glow, Intense Pulsed Light Rejuvenation can help to restore a vibrant appearance. The procedure delivers broadband light through the skin, helping to decrease redness, pigmentation, lines and pore size, and improve the overall texture and tone of your skin. IPL can be used on the face, neck, chest, hands and legs. Also known as a “photofacial,” the noninvasive treatment treats imperfections including birthmarks, spider veins, rosacea, fine wrinkles, sun and age spots, vascular lesions and acne and acne scarring.


For new and return patients, please call our office to schedule a complimentary consultation.


See you soon.


Call us today toll-free, (855) DRCOVEY, to schedule a complimentary consultation or ask a question.

Beautiful Natural Results

Dr. Covey's proven and effective treatment plans are tailored especially for you.

Dr. Covey is committed to helping you dramatically enhance your appearance without undergoing traditional surgery. Using the latest and safest cosmetic treatments for face and body rejuvenation, Dr. Covey will help you achieve natural beautiful results, quickly and effectively. Your personalized treatment plan is tailored to meet your specific cosmetic needs.

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Dr. Covey has locations in Southampton, Manhattan, Center Moriches and Palm Beach.