All Locations

Southampton: 325 Meeting House Lane, Southampton, NY 11968 - 631.287.6662

Manhattan: 211 East 70th Street, New York, NY 10021 - 212.931.0700

Center Moriches: 445 Main Street, Center Moriches, NY 11934 - 631.878.9200

Palm Beach: 265 Sunrise Avenue, Palm Beach, FL 33480 – 561.669.3178

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Category: Cellulite


This week is Thanksgiving, but we all see the Holiday decorations popping up everywhere and most of the retail stores are already playing seasonal music. Especially with Black Friday in the forefront of people’s minds, will be the gifts they want to give and receive. In this blog I hope to guide you on some amazing youth restoring gift options that you can ask for, as well as share with someone you love.

Where to Go

Fortunately, you need to go no further than East End Laser Care since we offer the most comprehensive spectrum of non invasive procedures. This is our specialty. While most doctors perform cosmetic injectables in addition to their area of expertise, we perform them as our primary goal to help you achieve the cosmetic enhancements of your dreams. You’ll have access to all the hottest, safest treatments with proven performance.

What You Want

This time of year the calendar is loaded with social gatherings. Many of us will be seeing friends and family whom we may not have seen in a while. Don’t you want to look your best? As cameras click away, everyone will be in lots of holiday photos to capture all the fun memories. Don’t you want to look back on those photos and like what you see? Whether you’re looking to receive a gift or give someone the gift of a rejuvenated face or body, we have a non surgical procedure that can help.

Many of these treatments are “in and out”, with little to no recovery, so they don’t require stepping out of the social holiday fun. You can see all the procedure options at, but here are some of our most popular treatments:

  1. Radiant Skin glows after a FRAXEL LASER treatment. It is so versatile that you can firm up loose skin, brighten dull or pigmented skin, and even smooth out wrinkles.
  2. Non surgical mini face lift really exists with the skin tightening, collagen boosting THERMAGE CPT and ELILIS. AND… with JUVEDERM VOLUMA XC injections, facial volume is restored, resulting in a lifted, revitalized new look.
  3. Luscious lips become fuller with hyaluronic acid fillers JUVEDERM and RESTYLANE.
  4. Smooth out wrinkles on forehead and crows feet with BOTOX or DYSPORT.
  5. Fill in smile lines or those nasolabial folds that come down from the outer edge of the nostrils to the outer tip of the lips with JUVEDERM, RESTYLANE, OR RADIESSE.
  6. Sculpt the body without surgery by using THERMAGE CPT or EXILIS to tighten and lift loose skin on the arms, legs, and buttocks…and even drooping eyelids.
  7. Smooth out cellulite with CELLULAZE, the most advanced cellulite treatment available. It increases skin’s elasticity, flattens lumps and bumps and is clinically proven to smooth out the skin’s surface.
  8. Laser hair removal can save lots of time from shaving and waxing.
  9. Melt that extra fat from the waistline, abdomen inner or outer thighs, hips, arms, buttocks, etc. with SMARTLIPO TRIPLEX. It is the most advanced laser lipo available to remove fat and contour the body. Its skin tightening effects also help with loose skin after the fat is removed.


Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Dr. Covey

Say Goodbye to Cellulite

Summer heat is here and that means we’re showing more skin. This month, I’ll be focusing on the laser treatments that can help smooth, lift, and contour your body to boost your confidence.

One of the most prevalent concerns for getting beach body ready is that “c” word… yes, cellulite.  It’s estimated that 85% of all women 20 years and older have cellulite. Diet and exercise can help reduce your weight, but neither can help you get rid of cellulite. Fortunately, there finally is a solution: Cellulaze Laser! While other treatments temporarily treat the appearance of cellulite – Cellulaze Laser removes it! In only ONE Cellulaze Laser treatment, my patients have been very pleased when they see dramatic results of cellulite reduction and smoother skin on their abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, and arms. The revolutionary Cellulaze Laser  is the world’s first minimally invasive approach to attacking cellulite where is begins… in the subdermal layers of the skin!

What is cellulite?

We’ve all seen those unsightly dimples and depressions on the surface of the skin that usually appear in abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and sometimes arms. They are caused by several physiological changes as women age: 1. hardening of tissue underneath the skin 2. an increase in the quantity or size of fat cells pushing up through the tissue beneath the skin and 3. weight gain and aging that causes stretching of the thin connective tissue under the skin.

How does the Cellulaze Laser treatment work?

Cellulaze uses a multi dimensional approach to specifically target below the surface of the skin into the dermal layers where the root causes of the cellulite occur. The treatment can be performed under local anesthesia due to its minimally invasive nature. It will take one to two hours, depending on the size of the areas to be treated.  Afterwards there could be a mild ache, similar to what you’d feel after a good physical workout.

Here’s the process:

  • The Cellulaze laser is inserted under the skin with a very small cannula (a narrow tube about the size of the tip of a pen)
  • The cannula directs a controlled laser thermal energy to the treatment zone using proprietary ThermaGuide and SmartSense intelligent energy delivery system to ensure safe, effective, and uniform laser controls
  • The laser diminishes the lumpy pockets of fat, releases the areas of skin depression and increases the elasticity and thickness of the skin

What results can you expect?

The revolutionary Cellulaze Laser is the most advanced laser treatment available. This treatment flattens and smoothes the skin’s surface because it increases thickness and elasticity from below. It is backed by many years of clinical research to give proven, longer-lasting results. Clinical studies have shown results can last for one year or longer. As a matter of fact, 93% of patients surveyed were satisfied or very satisfied with their results at one year after their procedure, and all would recommend the Cellulaze cellulite laser treatment to a friend.

Visit to set an appointment to see how to enjoy a cellulite free rest of your summer.


Dr. Covey

Amazing Lasers for Age Reversing Cosmetic Treatments… Today

Lasers are an integral part of the anti aging revolution today...more so than over the past decade as both men and women now include laser treatments in their regular cosmetic/health regimen.

It’s absolutely true that the right laser treatments, done at the right times, can treat just about any skin problem under the sun.  These laser and energy based magic wands can reverse the signs of aging, reduce deep lines and scars, resurface the skin, remove unwanted hair, reduce or eliminate skin pigmentation and textural abnormalities…and more.  Since there are so many age reversing laser options available, my next few blogs will focus on these solutions.  Keep reading!

WHAT IS A LASER?  A true laser is Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation that uses a crystal to produce a targeted light beam.

HOW A LASER WORKS:  All lasers are light based devices that target different types of skin cells to achieve the desired results.  Your surgeon must be able to match the right laser to each individual problem.  Each wavelength is unique to each problem.

ABLATIVE LASERS remove the top layer of skin tissue and the power can be dialed up or dialed down to increase or decrease the level of penetrations.  The  more ablative the laser, the deeper the penetration making recovery longer…but with more dramatic results

NON ABLATIVE LASERS leave the outer layer of skin intact but can still penetrate to correct the problem.  Since there is no skin sloughing (as with ablative lasers) downtime is much shorter as are pain and discomfort.

I’ve been using lasers, and offering my patients the many amazing laser treatment options, for over two decades. See my website for more information: 

Here are just a few of the treatments we offer:

CELLULAZE LASER for attacking cellulite where it begins…under the skin!  Cellulaze is the amazing FDA approved breakthrough treatments for cellulite that gets results with just one treatment.  Smoother skin on your abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms and anywhere cellulite occurs, has proven this laser technology invaluable in the treatment of ugly, unwelcome cellulite!

CLEAR+BRILLIANT laser treatments are very popular this time of year to restore younger, healthier, clearer looking skin to enjoy along with the freshness of spring.  Clear+Brilliant ushers in a renewed youthfulness with gentle treatments that combat the “early signs of aging.”

FRAXEL RE:STORE DUAL WAVELENGTH LASER TREATMENTS offer better results more quickly and more comfortably than ever before.  This laser system uses two wavelengths to repair and restore smoother, fresher, younger looking skin.

Well, there are more laser options, but that’s it for this blog. I have patients waiting for their age reversing laser treatments!

April 11, in the Manhattan office…don’t miss our “Spring Fling” Botox, Dermal Filler and Liquid Facelift event. Call 212 931 0700 to reserve your treatment of choice!



Dr. Covey






For the Body of your Dreams…. Get “Body Sculpted”

My last couple blogs focused on Body Reshaping and an overview of a few of the amazing tools I employ to achieve my patients’ goals.  Body Sculpting, Refining, Reshaping and Body Contouring (interchangeable terms) is so popular among Baby Boomers, GenX and the Millennials today…thus the reason for my stayed focus on it.  Body Reshaping is safe and effective…is used for various body areas…and it is here to stay.

BodyChanging the size, profile or parameters of the anatomy and refining those areas is what Body Sculpting is all about. There are various methods used for achieving the “perfect body” or “body of your dreams.”




  • To tighten loose skin after dramatic weight loss
  • Restore a PrePregnancy Body after Childbirth
  • Tighten up loose, saggy skin and remove excess fat pockets
  • Eliminate unwelcome Cellulite and “dimples” it causes
  • Be able to wear stylish clothing of your choice
  • Sculpt a healthy, trim, firm and contoured body
  • Achieve the “refined” body they’ve always wanted
  • Restore self confidence and boost self esteem
  • Look as fabulous and healthy as you feel!

WHEN IS A GOOD TIME TO HAVE BODY SCULPTING DONE?  This is the most frequent questions I get from patients.  MY ANSWER:

This answer will vary with each patient since no two people are the same.  But, you should be in good general health, and at a stable weight…for at least three months before starting on your personalized treatment program.  Continuing a healthy, active lifestyle and weight management is critical to enjoying your long term results.

THE GOAL OF ALL BODY SCULPTING/CONTOURING is to achieve balance and harmony for the entire body.  Thus, treating the body “as a whole” and never as isolated parts.

Since, patients often choose multiple body areas for refining, a combination of treatments may be required to accomplish the desired goals.


SMARTLIPO TRIPLEXTM  for Body Sculpting. .  It involves removing unwanted fat from body areas that have resisted even the strictest diet and most rigorous workouts. SmartLipo accomplishes more than liposuction with less invasiveness and amazing precision!

Other treatments are often used in combo with liposuction/lipolysis for the neck, jawline, inner arms, men’s breasts, abs and love handles, women’s bra fat (overhang) inner/outer thighs, inner knees, chin, hips, buttocks, pubic mound, back of neck, such as skin tightening using Exilis, Mesotherapy or Cellulaze etc. See my website for more info on these amazing options:

EXILIS offers the newest advances in non surgical skin tightening to reduce unwanted inches and to lift and contour sagging skin anywhere on your body!  CELLULAZE LASER treatments attack cellulite where it originates…under the skin. One treatment can result in smoother skin on your abs, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms and anywhere cellulite occurs.

Every generation today is concerned with anti aging!  So, treatments are geared to turning back the clock…today’s Filler FaceLifts take years off an aging face by restoring youthfulness.  New Voluma, Botox, Juvederm, Belotero, Dysport, Perlane, Radiesse and Restylane injectables eliminate and smooth out lines and wrinkles. Laser treatments remove age/sun spots, acne and more, and are part of safe, effective treatments patients choose daily to slow down the signs of aging.

Call soon for your consultation and let’s get started on your Body Refining and age defying program!

Helping You Be Your Very Best,

Dr. Covey

Eliminate Cellulite, Get Sculpted and Get Better Buttocks!

NIP CELLULITE in the BUTTOCKS! !  Your buttocks are one of the favorite places for cellulite to call home.  I’m sure you know how stubborn Cellulite can be, regardless of a clean diet and rigorous workouts.  Women, in particular, are plagued by cellulite taking up residence in various areas of the body.  The buttocks are one of those places. CELLULAZE is a powerful laser treatment that reduces cellulite by attacking it under the skin in the structural tissues responsible for making cellulite.  CELLULAZE employs energy to heat up and cut the fibrous bands beneath the skin that cause the ugly dimpling.  One treatment offers immediate improvement with continued improvement for months and long term results.

WOMEN TODAY WANT BETTER BUTTOCKS!   Women who are into Body Sculpting and Refinement want their buttock area to look its absolute best. The concern is with shape, size and positioning.  They are smart and understand that diet and exercise alone will not get it.  Today’s amazing treatments include fat melting and skin tightening lasers that can achieve your perfect silhouette.  Read on to learn about other body shaping options in high demand today.

MESOTHERAPY … BREAKTHROUGH, NON SURGICAL THERAPY TO GET RID OF UNWANTED FAT and CELLULITE!  I am specialized and certified in this revolutionary treatment, having received my training from the worlds most renowned Mesotherapists:  Dr. Jacques Le Coz (Paris) and Dr. Patricia Ritters  (South America).  See the bullets below for the benefits you get:

·      Improved blood flow to the treatment area

·      Excess fat deposits are dissolved

·      Fibrotic, hardened connective tissue is removed

·      Lymphatic drainage is improved

·      Removes fat from fat cells

·      Can be used wherever Cellulite exists

·      Involves no surgery, no downtime, no discomfort

·      Injection formulations are a combination of medicines, vitamins and amino acids, delivered into the mesoderm (middle layer of skin).

Mesotherapy is the home run treatment for fat and cellulite removal!

See: for more info on Mesotherapy.

Effectively dealing with fat and cellulite is part of successful body sculpting and shaping.  I’ve just given you overviews on a few more top treatments to deal with these issues.


Bikini season is coming!!  

Are you ready to put your best body forward?


Let’s talk soon and design your personalized treatment plan.  Now is the time to start creating the “body of your dreams!” 

                    Dr. Covey











Now is the time to get your “beach body” in shape again.  shutterstock_49320346

Body sculpting, contouring and refining is one of our most in demand procedures for both men and women.  This blog enhances previous blogs by pulling together information about 3 powerful treatments that can “sculpt a better body” with results in only one treatment…and refinement continuing over time.



It is the most exciting non surgical technology available for redefining the face and body. Look at these benefits:

·      No surgery, no anesthesia, no downtime!

·      FDA approved most advanced radio frequency energy to tighten loose skin, melt stubborn fat, resculpt body/facial contours

·      Correct amount of thermal energy delivered safely/effectively

·      Face, Jowls, Neck, Chest, Back, Love Handles, Bra Fat, Abdomen, Thighs, Hips, Buttocks and Knees…are the most popular areas being treated today.

EXILIS is one of many excellent treatments I offer that have revolutionized the fight against fat and cellulite.

Beautiful Body Sculpting and Refined Body Contouring really is possible!

SMARTLIPO TRIPLEXTM is the most advanced (light laser) fat removal system. It actually melts fat, stimulates skin tightening and encourages collagen renewal.  This TriPlex laser employs three wave lengths of light and a tiny cannula the size of a small ballpoint pen tip.  These advances allow for precision fat removal and sculpting in small, hard to get to places that could not be effectively treated with older methods.  Look at the tremendous benefits:

·      Minimally invasive due to small cannula means less swelling, bruising and shorter downtimes

·      Enables precise high definition body sculpting like waistlines/abs

·      Fat is liquefied and removed resulting in smooth contouring

·      TriPlex laser stimulates skin tightening effect

·      Multiple, intelligent delivery systems ensure safest, maximum laser strength

·      Treatments are done in office using local anesthesia

SmartLipo TriPlex offers better results, more effective fat removal, tighter skin and amazing high definition body sculpting. See:


CELLULITE is RELENTLESS!  You can see it on your thighs, buttocks, stomach, upper arms and other body areas.  Strict diets, rigorous exercise, weight training and high intensity exercises are great for weight loss, weight control and strength building, but they do not eliminate cellulite! Women hate it and wage virtual wars trying to be rid of it! CELLULAZE is the third tool you must know about in your quest for body sculpting, toning, shaping and contouring. 

CELLULAZEtm LASER is the world’s first minimally invasive way of attacking cellulite where it begins…under the skin!  You can have smoother skin on your abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and arms, or anywhere cellulite appears, with just one treatment.

·      Cellulaze is a simple, in office treatment with little to no downtime

·      It melts excess fat under the skin

·      Removes the fibrous band that pulls the skin into dimples

·      Cellulaze stimulates collagen production which thickens skin

·      Uses a very small cannula with Sidelight 3Dtm technology

·      The technology directs laser thermal energy into the treatment zone

·      Lumpy fat pockets are diminished, skin depressions released and skin elasticity and skin thickness improves

·      Some results are seen immediately with ongoing improvement

My patients love Cellulazetm Laser treatments because they get results!  Visit my website for more info:



Let’s talk soon and “design” your own personal treatment plan.  Beach Days will be here soon!


Dr. Covey




Ring in the New Year with a New You

Transform your appearance with revolutionary face and body treatments!

Who doesn’t dream of a slimmer, younger looking face and body? Imagine magically transforming sagging skin into a smooth, wrinkle free look and removing fat and cellulite. Well you can stop imagining because we have three breakthrough treatments that can help you look your best in the New Year.

Smartlipo TriPlexNo matter how strict your diet and exercise regimen is, there are usually pockets of fat that just won’t budge. Now, with Smartlipo TriPlex, a minimally invasive lipolysis treatment for high-definition body sculpting, we can easily and effectively eliminate stubborn areas of fat (including your love handles, muffin tops and banana rolls) and tighten your skin to help you achieve a beautiful, natural shape.

CellulazeTo remove cellulite for smooth healthy looking skin we recommend the newest breakthrough treatment Cellulaze. With Cellulaze, we can finally reduce cellulite, in just ONE treatment, and the dramatic results are clinically proven to last! Cellulaze is the only laser with the ability to attack the very structure of cellulite under the skin with little to no downtime. Cellulaze is a simple procedure that can be performed right in our office. Healing is quick so you can usually go back to work and other regular activities within a day or two following your treatment.  Some results are immediate and get even better over the next few months.

ExilisFor non-surgical skin tightening and body shaping we recommend new Exilis, the most exciting non-invasive technology available to redefine your face and body, with no anesthesia and no downtime. Clinically tested and FDA approved, Exilis uses the most advanced radio frequency energy to melt fat, tighten loose skin and resculpt facial and body contours during fast and comfortable treatments.

To find out how these treatments can help you, today to schedule a New Year’s consultation. To see more pictures visit us online at

For more information about these and other cosmetic treatments options, contact Alexander Covey, M.D. and East End Laser Care at (631) 878-9200 or visit their website at Dr. Covey would enjoy discussing your cosmetic concerns at a complimentary and confidential consultation.

The Wait is Over – Cellulaze is Here!

Stubborn cellulite is no match for this amazing laser treatment!

Finally, we can dramatically reduce cellulite with the new revolutionary Cellulaze Laser, the world’s first minimally invasive approach to attacking cellulite where it begins – under the skin!  Dr. Covey is proud to be one of the first physicians to offer you this amazing breakthrough FDA-approved treatment for the removal of cellulite. With just ONE treatment, the Cellulaze Laser can give you smoother skin on your abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and arms –anywhere cellulite occurs.

Many of us believe the common myths surrounding cellulite such as “only fat people get cellulite” or “this magic cream can remove cellulite” or even “eat this combination of foods and cellulite will miraculously disappear.” None of these are true!

Cellulite is a degenerative condition that no one can control. Aging, hormones, genetics, and weight fluctuations all play a role in how the hills and valleys of cellulite form within the layers of your skin. Affecting over 85% of women over the age of 20, cellulite was, until now, one of the toughest conditions to treat in the long-term.

Sure, diet and exercise can help reduce your weight but neither can help you get rid of cellulite. Other spa-like treatments treat the appearance of cellulite from the outside – but the results are temporary at best and only last as long as you continuously repeat the treatments. The incredible new Cellulaze laser actually REMOVES cellulite in ONE treatment and with little to no downtime!

Unlike other treatments, Cellulaze treats all three distinct causes that create that unappealing “orange peel” look. Using revolutionary laser technology, Cellulaze melts the excess fat caught under the skin, strategically removes the fibrous band that pulls the skin down into a dimple and stimulates collagen production which thickens the skin. Your overall result is smooth beautiful skin.

Cellulaze Results

Here’s how it works:  Using a very small cannula (a narrow tube about the size of the tip of a pen), the Cellulaze laser is inserted under the skin and the SideLight 3D™ technology directs a controlled laser thermal energy to the treatment zone. Lumpy pockets of fat are diminished, skin depressions are released and the elasticity and thickness of your skin improves. With such a small cannula, Cellulaze is a simple procedure that can be performed right in our office. Healing is quick so you can usually go back to work and other regular activities within a day or two following your treatment.  Some results are immediate and get even better over the next few months.

Best of all, after your Cellulaze treatment, you’ll no longer feel the need to pull at the bottom of your shorts and skirts or wear long cover-ups in the hot summer weather. You’ll want to show off those smoother legs!

Why wait? Call us today at (631) 878-9200 to schedule your free consultation to find out more. (Visit our website at to see before and after pictures.)

Call us today toll-free, (855) DRCOVEY, to schedule a complimentary consultation or ask a question.

Beautiful Natural Results

Dr. Covey's proven and effective treatment plans are tailored especially for you.

Dr. Covey is committed to helping you dramatically enhance your appearance without undergoing traditional surgery. Using the latest and safest cosmetic treatments for face and body rejuvenation, Dr. Covey will help you achieve natural beautiful results, quickly and effectively. Your personalized treatment plan is tailored to meet your specific cosmetic needs.

Contact Us Today


Written by Dr. Covey, this is your source for the latest cosmetic surgery news.

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Dr. Covey offers truly transformative results. View before and after photos of patient treatments.

Cosmetic Concerns

Here, Dr. Covey answers your questions about specific conditions and procedures.


Dr. Covey has locations in Southampton, Manhattan, Center Moriches and Palm Beach.