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Southampton: 325 Meeting House Lane, Southampton, NY 11968 - 631.287.6662

Manhattan: 211 East 70th Street, New York, NY 10021 - 212.931.0700

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Category: Sun

Avoiding Premature Aging: Unveiling Skin Care Habits to Embrace


The quest for timeless beauty often begins with the habits we cultivate daily. While many focus on skincare routines that promote a youthful glow, it’s equally crucial to be mindful of habits that may contribute to premature aging. Let’s review some common practices and discover the key to preserving your skin’s vitality without invasive measures.


Sun Neglect


One of the primary culprits behind premature aging is unprotected sun exposure. Skipping sunscreen or neglecting to reapply throughout the day exposes your skin to harmful UV rays, leading to fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven pigmentation. Embrace sun protection as a non-negotiable step in your skincare routine to shield your skin from the aging effects of the sun.


Inconsistent Hydration


The importance of staying hydrated goes beyond internal health; it significantly impacts your skin’s appearance. Inconsistent hydration can lead to a loss of skin elasticity, making fine lines more noticeable. Ensure your skincare routine includes a hydrating moisturizer to lock in moisture and maintain a supple, youthful complexion.


Sleeping with Makeup


The allure of a cozy bed after a long day tempts many to skip the makeup removal ritual. Sleeping with makeup can clog pores, contribute to breakouts, and hinder the skin’s natural renewal process. Embrace the nightly cleanse to allow your skin to breathe and regenerate, promoting a smoother, more radiant complexion.


Overlooking Antioxidants


Neglecting antioxidant-rich skincare can leave your skin vulnerable to environmental stressors. Antioxidants combat free radicals, preventing oxidative stress that accelerates aging. Integrate products with potent antioxidants like vitamin C into your routine to fortify your skin’s defense against premature aging.


Skimping on Sleep


In our fast-paced lives, adequate sleep often takes a backseat. However, quality sleep is when your skin undergoes crucial repair and regeneration. Chronic sleep deprivation can contribute to fine lines, dark circles, and a dull complexion. Prioritize restful sleep as a cornerstone of your anti-aging strategy.


Preserving youthful skin is a journey that extends beyond skincare products. By avoiding sun neglect, staying consistently hydrated, removing makeup nightly, incorporating antioxidants, and prioritizing quality sleep, you empower your skin to defy premature aging naturally. Embrace these age-conscious habits, and let your skin radiate with timeless vitality.


See you soon.



We Can’t Remind You Enough: Avoid The Sun

Tanned skin is damaged skin…and who wants that? Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause early wrinkling and brown spots, and it puts you at risk for skin cancer, too. While most of us enjoy being outside in the summer, not many of us really want to suffer the effects of sun damage. Staying safe while spending time outside is possible, though. The strategies just need to become a part of your daily routine.


Here are some simple ways to protect your skin:


  • Stay indoors between 10am and 3pm, when the sun is most powerful. There are two types of rays: UVA rays cause aging and wrinkles and contribute to skin cancer. UVB rays cause sunburn and skin cancer.
  • Go nowhere without sunscreen:
    • More is better, so don’t scrimp. Make sure that it has a SPF of 30 or higher and it says “broad spectrum” on the label, which means that it will handle both UVA and UVB rays. Also, make sure it’s water-resistant and that you apply it all over your body 15 to 30 minutes before leaving the house.
    • Use sunscreen even when it is cloudy outside, when you are driving in a car and inside a window. UVA rays penetrate clouds, glass and water.
    • If you wear foundation, apply the sunscreen first and let it absorb before continuing with your makeup.
    • Don’t forget the lip balm, SPF 15 or higher.
    • Remember the tops of your ears, hairline, the “V” of your chest, nose, hands and tops of your feet. Eighty percent of skin cancer occurs on the head, neck and hands.
  • Wear protective clothing: hats, sleeves and sunglasses. Dark, tightly woven fabrics provide more protection than lightly colored ones. Find hats that have protection built into them.
  • Be aware that umbrellas and shade trees give only moderate protection from ultraviolet light. They don’t protect you from light that is reflected off of sand, snow, concrete and other surfaces.
  • Avoid tanning oils. These essentially cook your skin.
  • Be conscious of your medications. Certain medicines can make your skin extra sensitive to sun exposure, including tetracycline, diuretics and even herbal formulations such as St. John’s Wort.


Call us today to schedule your complimentary consultation.

Here Comes The Sun: Time To Get Ready

Living close to the beach requires discipline. That may seem like a strange statement, given how relaxed and casual the environment is here. But when it comes to your skin–and wrinkles, dark spots and melanoma–you need a serious regimen.


Now is the time to put your sun protection plan in place, if you haven’t done so already. It is easy to do if you simply make it part of your daily routine. Here is what I recommend:


Think 30: Every day, whether you are going to the beach or not, and even when it is cloudy, apply a moisturizer with an SPF of 30 or above. Use it on your face before you put on makeup and on the exposed parts of your body. You may choose a moisturizer formulated specifically for the face and another just for your body, or you may use the same for both. If you are at the beach, where the rays are intensified, remember to reapply after two hours or after swimming or perspiring.


Search for Shade: Sun damage is cumulative, so every minute spent out of dangerous rays will help your skin stay young-looking and healthy. So, avoid the sun when you can, at all costs–cross to the shady side of the street, sit under the umbrella on the restaurant patio, carry an umbrella in your purse.


Beware the Bewitching Hours: The sun is strongest between 10 am and 2 pm, so do what you can to avoid it during this time.


Hats On: Go for a wide brim, and make sure that it covers the back of your neck, too. Make wearing other protective clothing a habit, too, such as sunglasses and long sleeves. Keep a basket of summer sun gear in your car, as you would a fleece throw in the winter.


As always, if you have any questions or concerns, we’ll be happy to help you look and feel your best.

We Can’t Remind You Enough: Avoid the Sun

Tanned skin is damaged skin…and who wants that? Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause early wrinkling and brown spots, and it puts you at risk for skin cancer, too. While most of us enjoy being outside in the summer, not many of us really want to suffer the effects of sun damage. Staying safe while spending time outside is possible, though. The strategies just need to become a part of your daily routine.


Here are some simple ways to protect your skin:


  • Stay indoors between 10am and 3pm, when the sun is most powerful. There are two types of rays: UVA rays cause aging and wrinkles and contribute to skin cancer. UVB rays cause sunburn and skin cancer.
  • Go nowhere without sunscreen: 
    • More is better, so don’t scrimp. Make sure that it has a SPF of 30 or higher and it says “broad spectrum” on the label, which means that it will handle both UVA and UVB rays. Also, make sure it’s water-resistant and that you apply it all over your body 15 to 30 minutes before leaving the house.
    • Use sunscreen even when it is cloudy outside, when you are driving in a car and inside a window. UVA rays penetrate clouds, glass and water.
    • If you wear foundation, apply the sunscreen first and let it absorb before continuing with your makeup.
    • Don’t forget the lip balm, SPF 15 or higher.
    • Remember the tops of your ears, hairline, the “V” of your chest, nose, hands and tops of your feet. Eighty percent of skin cancer occurs on the head, neck and hands.
  • Wear protective clothing: hats, sleeves and sunglasses. Dark, tightly woven fabrics provide more protection than lightly colored ones. Find hats that have protection built into them.
  • Be aware that umbrellas and shade trees give only moderate protection from ultraviolet light. They don’t protect you from light that is reflected off of sand, snow, concrete and other surfaces.
  • Avoid tanning oils. These essentially cook your skin.
  • Be conscious of your medications. Certain medicines can make your skin extra sensitive to sun exposure, including tetracycline, diuretics and even herbal formulations such as St. John’s Wort.


Call us today to schedule your complimentary consultation. See you soon.


Stop the Squinting: Be Smart About the Sun

Herewith, a crash course in U’s and V’s…or, in other words, how sunny is it and what do I need to do about it?


The Ultraviolet index is a measurement of the strength of UV radiation at a particular time and place. It’s a standard scale used around the globe, with a range of 0 to 11.

  •  0-2: This is considered low danger, but the Environmental Protection Agency recommends sunglasses and broad spectrum SPF 30+ protection. Also, avoid bright surfaces (sand, water) that can reflect and intensify UV rays.
  • 3-5: Moderate danger. Seek shade during the height of the sun, at midday. Wear protective clothing, hat, sunscreen if outdoors, and reapply sunscreen every two hours.
  • 6-7: High risk. Reduce time in the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Follow protective measures as above.
  • 8-10: Very high risk. Follow above.
  • 11+: Extreme. Avoid the sun or if you have to be outside, follow the above.


As we know, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause early wrinkling and brown spots, and puts you at risk for skin cancer. While most of us enjoy being outside in the summer, not many of us really want to have old-looking skin, or illness. Staying safe while spending time in the sun is an easy thing to do. It may just require a little extra awareness and preparation on your part. Remember, tanned skin is damaged skin…and who wants that.


Here is some more specific information for protecting your skin and keeping you looking young, beautiful and healthy, particularly when the UV rays are at their most dangerous.

  • Stay indoors between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., when the burning rays of the sun are at their height. There are two types: UVA rays cause aging and wrinkles and contribute to skin cancer. UVB rays cause sunburn and skin cancer.
  • Go nowhere without sunscreen:
    • More is better, so don’t scrimp. Make sure that it has a SPF of 30 or higher and it says   “broad spectrum” on the label, which means that it will handle both UVA and UVB rays. Also, be sure that it is water-resistant, and that you apply it all over your body 15 to 30   minutes before leaving the house.
    • Use sunscreen even when it is cloudy outside, when you are driving in a car and inside a window. UVA rays penetrate clouds, glass and water, so when you’re swimming, make sure to apply plenty of waterproof sunscreen.
    • If you wear foundation, apply the sunscreen first and let it absorb before continuing with your makeup.
    • Don’t forget the lip balm. SPF 15 or more is best.
    • And, don’t forget the tops of your ears, hairline, the “V” of your chest, nose, hands and tops of your feet. Eighty percent of skin cancer occurs on the head, neck and hands.
  • Wear protective clothing, including hats, sleeves and sunglasses. Dark, tightly woven fabrics provide more protection than lightly colored ones.
  • Be aware that umbrellas and shade trees do only so much. They give moderate protection from ultraviolet light, and they don’t protect you from light that is reflected off of sand, snow, concrete and other surfaces.
  • Avoid tanning oils. These essentially cook your skin.
  • Be conscious of your medications. Certain medicines can make your skin extra sensitive to sun exposure, including tetracycline, diuretics and even herbal formulations such as St. John’s Wort.


If you suspect that you have sun damage, call our office to schedule a complimentary consultation. We’ll suggest specific treatments that can help to minimize the appearance of wrinkles and brown spots.


See you soon.



We Can’t Remind You Enough: Avoid The Sun

Tanned skin is damaged skin…and who wants that? Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause early wrinkling and brown spots, and it puts you at risk for skin cancer, too. While most of us enjoy being outside in the summer, not many of us really want to suffer the effects of sun damage. Staying safe while spending time outside is possible, though. The strategies just need to become a part of your daily routine.


Here are some simple ways to protect your skin:


  • Stay indoors between 10am and 3pm, when the sun is most powerful. There are two types of rays: UVA rays cause aging and wrinkles and contribute to skin cancer. UVB rays cause sunburn and skin cancer.
  • Go nowhere without sunscreen:
    • More is better, so don’t scrimp. Make sure that it has a SPF of 30 or higher and it says “broad spectrum” on the label, which means that it will handle both UVA and UVB rays. Also, make sure it’s water-resistant and that you apply it all over your body 15 to 30 minutes before leaving the house.
    • Use sunscreen even when it is cloudy outside, when you are driving in a car and inside a window. UVA rays penetrate clouds, glass and water.
    • If you wear foundation, apply the sunscreen first and let it absorb before continuing with your makeup.
    • Don’t forget the lip balm, SPF 15 or higher.
    • Remember the tops of your ears, hairline, the “V” of your chest, nose, hands and tops of your feet. Eighty percent of skin cancer occurs on the head, neck and hands.
  • Wear protective clothing: hats, sleeves and sunglasses. Dark, tightly woven fabrics provide more protection than lightly colored ones. Find hats that have protection built into them.
  • Be aware that umbrellas and shade trees give only moderate protection from ultraviolet light. They don’t protect you from light that is reflected off of sand, snow, concrete and other surfaces.
  • Avoid tanning oils. These essentially cook your skin.
  • Be conscious of your medications. Certain medicines can make your skin extra sensitive to sun exposure, including tetracycline, diuretics and even herbal formulations such as St. John’s Wort.


Call us today to schedule your complimentary consultation. See you soon.

Your Skin Timeline: What to Expect and How to Ward Off Trouble

Aging wreaks havoc on skin, as we know well, and as the years press on, the effects change. But knowledge is power, as we also know, so here is what you can expect…and how we can help keep you looking young and beautiful, nonsurgically, of course.


In Your 20s and 30s: Get ready. Hormonal changes in these decades can cause adult acne, and you may also see the first signs of wrinkles and pigmentation. We can help with Botox and Dysport, which will keep the lines from setting and deepening. Acne can be treated with Pulsed Dye laser and pigment concerns can be treated with Fraxel DUAL and IPL.


In Your 40s: As skin cell shedding begins to slow, your skin may lose its youthful glow. It may look dull and rough, and age spots may appear since the skin can’t repair itself as quickly or as completely as it use to. We can brighten and smooth out your skin with Fraxel DUAL and Fraxel Repair laser treatments. Your skin tone will look even, and wrinkles and pores will diminish. For the 40s’ deepening wrinkles, fillers such as Restylane, Restylane Lyft, Restylane Silk, Voluma, Juvederm, Perlane, Belotero and Radiesse, and neurotoxins, such as Botox and Dysport, are effective.


In Your 50s and 60s: This is when you could see deep wrinkles and a loss of firmness. Declining collagen and elastin levels cause your skin to become thinner and more fragile and the underlying skin structure to be less supported. Lasers can work wonders to stimulate collagen production and lighten discoloration. Fraxel Repair and Fraxel Dual lasers offer the best possible skin resurfacing results by stimulating the skin to heal while tightening and lightening dark spots.


At all times of your life, remember to do what you can to preserve your skin’s natural beauty. Wear plenty of sunscreen, avoid the sun as much as possible, steer clear of smoking and cleanse and moisturize often.


See you soon.

Beware the Sun

shutterstock_243777118Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause early wrinkling and brown spots, and puts you at risk for skin cancer. While most of us enjoy being outside in the summer, not many of us really want to have old-looking skin, or illness. Staying safe while spending time in the sun is an easy thing to do. It may just require a little extra awareness and preparation on your part. Remember, tanned skin is damaged skin…and who wants that.


Here are some simple ways to protect your skin and keep you looking young, beautiful and healthy, particularly when the ultraviolet rays are at their most dangerous.

  • Stay indoors between 10am and 3pm, when the burning rays of the sun are at their height. There are two types: UVA rays cause aging and wrinkles and contribute to skin cancer. UVB rays cause sunburn and skin cancer.
  • Go nowhere without sunscreen:
    • More is better, so don’t scrimp. Make sure that it has a SPF of 30 or higher and it says   “broad spectrum” on the label, which means that it will handle both UVA and UVB rays. Also, be sure that it is water-resistant, and that you apply it all over your body 15 to 30   minutes before leaving the house.
    • Use sunscreen even when it is cloudy outside, when you are driving in a car and inside a window. UVA rays penetrate clouds, glass and water, so when you’re swimming, make sure to apply plenty of waterproof sunscreen.
    • If you wear foundation, apply the sunscreen first and let it absorb before continuing with your makeup.
    • Don’t forget the lip balm. SPF 15 or more is best.
    • And, don’t forget the tops of your ears, hairline, the “V” of your chest, nose, hands and tops of your feet. Eighty percent of skin cancer occurs on the head, neck and hands.
  • Wear protective clothing, including hats, sleeves and sunglasses. Dark, tightly woven fabrics provide more protection than lightly colored ones.
  • Be aware that umbrellas and shade trees do only so much. They give moderate protection from ultraviolet light, and they don’t protect you from light that is reflected off of sand, snow, concrete and other surfaces.
  • Avoid tanning oils. These essentially cook your skin.
  • Be conscious of your medications. Certain medicines can make your skin extra sensitive to sun exposure, including tetracycline, diuretics and even herbal formulations such as St. John’s Wort.


Also…a reminder this week…we are offering an upcoming liposuction special, so be sure to call our office for details.


See you soon.

Here Comes The Sun: Time To Get Ready

shutterstock_243777118Living close to the beach requires discipline. That may seem like a strange statement, given how relaxed and casual the environment is here. But when it comes to your skin–and wrinkles, dark spots and melanoma–you need a serious regimen.


Since just last month, the UV (harmful ultraviolet radiation) index for Long Island has increased one level. In two weeks, it will jump two more, followed by another in May and again in June. (Click here for a map of UV averages around the country)


Now is the time to put your sun protection plan in place, if you haven’t done so already. It is easy to do if you simply make it part of your daily routine. Here is what I recommend:


Think 30: Every day, whether you are going to the beach or not, and even when it is cloudy, apply a moisturizer with an SPF of 30 or above. Use it on your face before you put on makeup and on the exposed parts of your body. You may choose a moisturizer formulated specifically for the face and another just for your body, or you may use the same for both. If you are at the beach, where the rays are intensified, remember to reapply after two hours or after swimming or perspiring.


Search for Shade: Sun damage is cumulative, so every minute spent out of dangerous rays will help your skin stay young-looking and healthy. So, avoid the sun when you can, at all costs–cross to the shady side of the street, sit under the umbrella on the restaurant patio, carry an umbrella in your purse.


Beware the Bewitching Hours: The sun is strongest between 10 am and 2 pm, so do what you can to avoid it during this time.


Hats On: Go for a wide brim, and make sure that it covers the back of your neck, too. Make wearing other protective clothing a habit, too, such as sunglasses and long sleeves. Keep a basket of summer sun gear in your car, as you would a fleece throw in the winter.


As always, if you have any questions or concerns, we’ll be happy to help you look and feel your best.


Farewell Freckles, Hello Clear Skin

Unless you’ve been very careful to avoid sunlight or always wear cover ups, hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen, you’re probably noticing you’ve picked up at least a few more freckles by this point in the summer. These brown sun spots occur as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. This pigmentation is a major cause of visible aging. Blotchy, uneven skin tone makes the skin have a weathered appearance when contrasted with the clear, even toned complexion of youth.

We use the most advanced treatments for all different kinds of pigmentation and  skin types. Here are some of my top picks:


Lasers generate an intense beam of light that destroys the unwanted cells in the affected area, leaving only healthy cells behind. If you or someone you know has had a laser treatment for pigmentation in the past, don’t worry, Diolite is NOT like the older lasers that were painful and left behind blistered and crusty skin. Revolutionary Diolite is gentle, precise and controlled. With the Diolite laser, we can direct the light to the treatment area only, which leaves the surrounding tissue intact.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light ) Treatment

IPL is a breakthrough, age defying photorejuvenation procedure that quickly, effectively, and non-invasively treats skin damage. Pulsed-light systems treat pigmentation very similarly to lasers. IPL is a versatile treatment to correct all kinds of facial skin imperfections and signs of aging, such as rosacea (facial inflammation), sun spots, vascular lesions, and acne scarring.  It can safely treat any area (face, neck, chest, hands, legs, etc.) except the delicate thin skin around the eyes. Photorejuvenation offers long-term results without any downtime, recovery time or chemicals, and IPL is the “The Gold Standard” for photorejuvenation.


GentleWaves is a non-thermal, low intensity light-emitting diode treatment that uses a carefully timed sequence of emissions to activate the skin’s natural rejuvenation process. Unlike laser treatments that can cause a snapping sensation, GentleWaves treatments are entirely painless. Youth restoring results are more gradual with patients reporting noticeable changes as early as after 5 to 7 treatments, which can be done on a weekly basis.


Fraxel laser treatments offer the most advanced technology for improving skin’s radiance and youthfulness. Depending on  the intensity of the treatment you need, you can choose from Fraxel re:pair, Fraxel DUAL or Clear & Brilliant.  All the Fraxel lasers are state of the art devices, each with their own advantages. You can check out this month’s newsletter for more information about Fraxel laser treatments.

With so many options, there’s no reason you can’t say farewell to your freckles and skin discoloration, and say hello to that youthful glow. Visit or call to find out which treatment is best for your skin.


Dr. Covey

Get Your Glow Back with NEW Clear + Brilliant™

Clear + BriliantThis month I’m excited to tell you about our NEW Clear + Brilliant™ treatment. This treatment promises to give patients their GLOW back . . .and it delivers!

Clear + Brilliant (aka Clear and Brilliant) was developed by the same folks that designed the Fraxel line of lasers. Using the same revolutionary fractionating laser technology, Clear and Brilliant laser treatments expands skin care to not only address the signs of aging, but gives you the power to help prevent them. This unique laser system can help erase the early signs of photo-damage, sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, rough skin texture and large pores.

patient 1

before and after

patient 2

before and after

Clear + Brilliant is usually performed as a series of treatments however the number of treatments you need is tailored to your concerns and skin care desires. Results are both immediate and progressive. Some patients may see results immediately with more visible improvements after a series of treatments. The treatment takes about 20 minutes to perform however we ask that you allow one hour for you appointment. After the treatments some patients may experience mild redness and mild swelling which quickly subsides. Mineral makeup can be applied after your treatment.

For more information about this treatment visit our website at or call us at (631) 878-9200 for a complimentary consultation.

Focus on Fraxel

We see it each autumn – summertime tans fade away but brown spots do not, fine lines have cropped up where they weren’t before, and skin tone and texture looks a bit worn out. Your skin needs rejuvenation!

For this and many other reasons, Fraxel treatments top our list of treatments in the fall. And with new improved technology in our Fraxel restore® DUAL Wavelength System we can rejuvenate your skin and give you smoother, fresher younger looking skin better than ever before.

Before and After Fraxel

How is this NEW Fraxel re:store DUAL technology different? Fraxel uses a laser to resurface damaged skin. With this new cutting edge technology, there are now two laser treatment modes. The Erbium laser treatment mode specifically treats concerns such as wrinkles or acne scarring that are deeper in the skin layers. The NEW Thilium laser treatment mode effectively targets sun spots, age spots, tone and texture, which are more superficial. These modes can be combined to offer you unparalleled resurfacing results, quickly and more comfortably than the older Fraxel re:store could.

This amazing laser system is quickly became one of the most popular treatment options and we’re not surprised!  Fraxel re:store DUAL is FDA cleared to treat wrinkles around the eyes, acne scars, surgical scars, age spots/sun spots (pigmented lesions), Melasma (irregular patches of brown spots usually found on the forehead cheeks, upper lip line and nose) and Actinic Keratoses (precancerous lesions).A quick side note: Don’t be fooled by imitations! Many doctors and spas use lasers from other companies that offer lasers that sound like the latest and greatest technology. A skin expert though will make the investment in the real deal – such as the actual Fraxel re:store® DUAL Laser or the Fraxel re:pair® Laser or both. Those who wish to take shortcuts will buy what is essentially a ‘box’ with many hand pieces available – in order not to invest in the lasers those hand pieces imitate. In the case of Fraxel, they’ll buy a “fractionating hand piece” and claim it’s as good and produces the same results.

Before and After Fraxel

The true Fraxel is a device capable of being individualized to each patient’s needs, operates safely and uniformly, and delivers outstanding results!

And, the ground-breaking laser technology in Fraxel re:store DUAL can be used on ALL skin colors and types to restore and rejuvenate the skin on many parts of your body including your face and the delicate skin on your neck, chest and hands.

With predictable, consistent results, and a simpler, faster and more precise treatment, Fraxel restore DUAL quickly resurfaces your skin and uncovers the skin of your youth with little or no downtime.

Call us today toll-free, (855) DRCOVEY, to schedule a complimentary consultation or ask a question.

Beautiful Natural Results

Dr. Covey's proven and effective treatment plans are tailored especially for you.

Dr. Covey is committed to helping you dramatically enhance your appearance without undergoing traditional surgery. Using the latest and safest cosmetic treatments for face and body rejuvenation, Dr. Covey will help you achieve natural beautiful results, quickly and effectively. Your personalized treatment plan is tailored to meet your specific cosmetic needs.

Contact Us Today


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Dr. Covey has locations in Southampton, Manhattan, Center Moriches and Palm Beach.