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Southampton: 325 Meeting House Lane, Southampton, NY 11968 - 631.287.6662

Manhattan: 211 East 70th Street, New York, NY 10021 - 212.931.0700

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Palm Beach: 265 Sunrise Avenue, Palm Beach, FL 33480 – 561.669.3178

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Category: Fraxel

Tracking Changes In Your Skin

It seems that summer just began and now, Labor Day is a few weeks away. The time goes quickly, and while you may not feel any older, your skin has another story to tell. Aging plays tricks on the delicate composition of your skin. The best way to ward off the signs of stress is to know what is ahead and take as many precautions as possible.


Here is what you can expect:


In Your 20s and 30s: Get ready. Hormonal changes can happen during this time, causing adult acne. We can treat it, though, with our Pulsed Dye Laser. Also, you may notice the first signs of wrinkles and pigmentation. Botox and Dysport will help minimize lines, keeping them from setting and deepening. Fraxel DUAL and IPL will help reduce discoloration, brown spots and freckling.


In Your 40s: Your skin may look dull and rough, and age spots may appear since the skin can’t repair itself as quickly or as completely as it use to. You may notice that your skin is beginning to lose its youthful glow as skin cell shedding begins to slow down. But, we can brighten and smooth out your skin with Fraxel DUAL and Fraxel Repair laser treatments. Your skin tone will look even, and wrinkles and pores will diminish. During this time, wrinkles may be deeper than they were before. Dermal fillers such as Restylane, Restylane Lyft, Restylane Silk, Voluma, Juvederm, Belotero and Radiesse, and neurotoxins, such as Botox and Dysport, are effective in reducing the appearance of these lines and folds.


In Your 50s and 60s: You may notice that subtle lines have turned into deep wrinkles and previously taut skin has begun to sag. Declining collagen and elastin levels cause your skin to become thinner and more fragile and the underlying skin structure to be less supported. Lasers such as Fraxel Repair and Fraxel Dual can work wonders to resurface skin and stimulate collagen production, which will help lift up and plump your skin, nonsurgically. They will also help to lighten any discoloration caused by sun exposure or simple aging.


At all times of your life, remember to do what you can to preserve your skin’s natural beauty. Wear plenty of sunscreen (and not only in the summer), avoid the sun as much as possible, steer clear of smoking and cleanse and moisturize often.


If you’d like to hear how we can help you look your most youthful best, call our office for a complimentary consultation.


See you soon.



When Freckles Are No Longer Adorable

Despite your efforts to avoid the sun, freckles may be having a field day on your face right about now. While you may have a few here and there throughout the year, and while they may be cute, these tiny brown spots tend to flourish after repeated exposure to sunlight, particularly if your complexion is fair.


Caused by an increase in the amount of dark pigment, or melanin, freckles can have a range of colors, from red, yellow, tan, light brown, brown or black. In one person, they are generally the same tone. The two basic types of freckles–simple and sunburn–look a bit different. Simple freckles are usually tan, round and small. Sunburn freckles are darker, larger and may have irregular borders. They usually appear on the upper back and shoulders where severe sunburns often occur.


To reduce the appearance of these dark spots, we offer a variety of treatments:


Diolite: This laser generates an intense beam of light that destroys unwanted cells in the affected area, leaving only healthy cells behind. Diolite is gentle, precise and controlled. With the Diolite laser, we can direct the light to the treatment area only, which leaves the surrounding tissue intact.


IPL (Intense Pulsed Light ) Treatment: This photo-rejuvenation procedure quickly, effectively and non-invasively treats skin damage. IPL is a versatile treatment that corrects all kinds of facial skin imperfections and signs of aging, such as freckles and sun spots, as well as rosacea (facial inflammation), vascular lesions and acne scarring.  It can safely treat areas including the face, neck, chest, hands and legs. Photo-rejuvenation offers long-term results without any downtime, recovery time or chemicals.


GentleWaves: A non-thermal, low intensity light-emitting diode treatment, GentleWaves uses a carefully timed sequence of emissions to activate the skin’s natural rejuvenation process. Unlike laser treatments that can cause a snapping sensation, GentleWaves treatments are entirely painless. Youth-restoring results are gradual, and patients report noticeable changes after 5 to 7 weekly treatments.


Fraxel: A trio of laser treatments, Fraxel offers the most advanced technology for improving your skin’s radiance and youthfulness. Depending on  the intensity of the treatment you need, you can choose Fraxel Repair, Fraxel DUAL or Clear & Brilliant.  Each is a state-of-the-art device with its own advantages.


Call our office today to learn about your easy options for reducing the appearance of freckles and brown spots. Our consultations are complimentary. Meantime, apply that sunscreen.


See you soon.




Recharge Those Eyes

When you really want to know how someone feels, you look into his eyes. They can often hold the answers to many mysteries. Unfortunately, they can be a lot more obvious about your age.


The skin surrounding your eyes, because it is so delicate, is at risk for a multitude of cosmetic problems that make you look older than you are. And, because this area is involved in facial expression, the natural movement of the skin causes lines and wrinkles to form over time. Crow’s feet, additional lines and wrinkles underneath the lower lashes, dark circles, hollowing, drooping lids and puffiness all contribute to a tired appearance. Perhaps you’ve tried creams that claim to tighten skin or cold tea bags and cucumbers that temporarily reduce fluid retention, but the concerns remain.


We offer a range of nonsurgical treatments that will help return a well-rested look to your eyes and therefore, your face. Depending on your individual needs, we can craft a personal plan that will help you look refreshed and more youthful, with minimal downtime and recuperation.


Take a look at some of our most popular eye treatments:



Come talk with us about how we can help. Call our office today to schedule your complimentary consultation.


See you soon.


Oh, Man: What Guys are Doing to Look their Best

No longer the exclusive domain of women, cosmetic treatments have become more and more popular with men.


Ranging from simple nonsurgical treatments such as microdermabrasion, laser hair removal and Botox to minimally invasive procedures such as SmartLipo, the options are many. All can help reduce the signs of aging and improve a man’s appearance and self-image.


In our offices, we find that Botox for the forehead and crow’s feet tops the list of the most popular cosmetic procedures for our male patients, followed by SmartLipo for the neck, abdomen and breasts. Next, men are choosing dermal fillers to reduce the folds running from the sides of their noses and the corners of their mouths.


Also, Fraxel Lasers for the eyes, eyelids and face are particularly effective for our male patients and now, with our ability to perform Kybella and Infini treatments, men are finding advanced solutions for stubborn double chins and wrinkling on the face, eyes and elsewhere.


This Father’s Day season, gift yourself with a complimentary consultation. If the idea of having a cosmetic treatment is new to you, we’ll share with you the many ways that we can help you with your particular concerns. If you’ve come to see us in the past, we look forward to catching up with you again.


Meantime, Happy Father’s Day to all.


See you soon.

Men Worry About How They Look, Too

When people talk about body image, we assume that they are referring to women. But lately, men seem to be more concerned about being muscular and thin than they have been in the past.


A study earlier this year by Chapman University researchers revealed that men agonize about their bodies nearly as much as women do. The report, which was published in March in the journal Psychology of Men and Masculinity, surveyed about 116,000 men between age 18 and 65 and about as many women. The findings showed that:


  • About 25 percent of the men were dissatisfied with their appearance, compared to about 28.5 percent of women.
  • More than half of the men had gone on diets in the past year, and nearly 42 percent were unhappy with their weight.
  • About 37 percent did not like the condition of their muscle tone.
  • About 69 percent felt judged on their looks and felt pressure from magazines and television to have a slimmer and more muscular body.


If you are male and concerned about your body shape, you have most likely dieted and spent many hours in the gym. Sometimes, these tactics are not enough for certain trouble spots or for men of certain ages. In our offices, one of the most popular procedures for men is SmartLipo Triplex, particularly for the neck, abdomen and breast area. SmartLipo Triplex is a minimally invasive method for removing unwanted fat and sculpting areas of the body that you’d like to change. An FDA-approved laser treatment that virtually melts fat cells and suctions them away, SmartLipo provided dramatic high-definition results after only one treatment.


We also find that Kybella is effective for reducing the double chin, a common male problem that often resists diet and exercise. This new procedure slims and contours the area below and around your chin and neck, without surgery.


We know that your self-image is not derived solely from your weight and muscle mass. You may also be concerned about the effects on your face of aging, sun damage and stress, all of which can negatively impact how you feel about yourself at home and at work. Many male patients come see us for Botox, particularly for their foreheads and crow’s feet, and for dermal fillers that minimize the folds around their noses and corners of their mouths. Some of these fillers include Belotero, Juvederm, Restylane Lyft, Restylane Silk and Radiesse. Also, to decrease wrinkles and sagging on the face and around the eyes, many men come to us for Fraxel DUAL and Fraxel Repair Laser Treatments.


So, if you are not entirely happy with how you look, you are not alone; there are plenty of men just like you. Don’t hesitate to call our office for a complimentary consultation. We’ll try to help you look and feel your best.


See you soon.


Please, Do Not Feel Bad About Your Neck

I have just returned from the annual American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery conference in Boston, and I am energized. So many breakthrough treatments are on the horizon, and as always, my goal is to provide you with the most effective state-of-the-art cosmetic care in the area.


Wherever I turned, doctors were talking about the neck. I know, from treating you, that fullness from fat, crepey skin and visible band lines cause plenty of frustration. We have five ways to minimize the appearance of these conditions, so you have choices. There is no need to feel bad about your neck any longer.


First, the latest FDA-approved treatment is Kybella, a series of injections that eradicates fat cells permanently from the chin and neck area. We have seen great success with this new procedure. Then, there is Exilis Elite, which tightens, firms and tones loose and sagging skin and reshapes and melts stubborn fatty deposits. It is perfect for the chin and neck, as well as many other parts of your face and body. Thermage CPT, known as a nonsurgical facelift, is the most effective lift treatment for a multitude of concerns, yielding dramatic results without incisions and recuperation. Next, you can choose Fraxel Repair, a laser skin rejuvenation treatment that targets and improves sagging neck skin. Finally, we offer SmartLipo Triplex for the area under the chin. With this laser procedure, your fat cells will be melted and sucked away, leaving a newly shaped silhouette.


Call our office to schedule a complimentary consultation, and I’ll talk with you about the range of possibilities. Or, plan to attend our Spring Beauty Seminar this coming weekend, where you’ll learn all about these neck and other new cosmetic treatments, see live demonstrations and talk with real patients. It’s a free event, and you’ll receive exclusive discounts and gifts, too.


Saturday, April 9, 10:30 am

Atlantis Banquet & Events Seastar Ballroom

431 East Main Street, Riverhead

RSVP (631) 878-9200 or online at


See you soon.

Changing the Clock–The Quest for Timeless Beauty

Whenever we spring ahead or fall back, I think about the passing of time. This past weekend, as the clock raced forward, I thought about how lucky we are to be able to enjoy our youth and vigor for more years than we used to believe was possible. People are living longer, maintaining active lifestyles longer and taking care of themselves in ways that help them look and feel their best.


Along with basic good habits for all aspects of wellness–diet, exercise, sun and smoking avoidance, regular checkups and screenings–we now have the ability to keep the aging process from limiting just how beautiful we can look.


I like to think of spring as self-improvement time. It’s a season for coming out from the cold and beginning anew. So, it is an opportune time to think about how you can enhance your appearance, naturally and easily.


Several of our cosmetic treatments are perfect for this time of year–they will provide drastic results with minimal effort, and you’ll have a little time before beach season to see maximum benefits. The Cellulaze Laser procedure, for instance, is a terrific choice for March and April. With just one treatment, the laser can dramatically reduce cellulite, giving you smoother skin on your abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and arms. As the first minimally invasive method for attacking cellulite where it begins, under the skin, Cellulaze targets specific areas and provides proven long-lasting results.


Spring is also a fine time for having a Fraxel treatment, the gold standard for facial skin rejuvenation. Whether you choose Fraxel Dual or Fraxel Repair, deep lines, hard-to-erase lip lines, pronounced photodamage, sagging face and neck skin, facial wrinkles and discolorations, age-related/sun-damaged rough skin texture, acne scars and surgical scars will all be improved. I can help you decide which Fraxel treatment is best for you.


So, schedule a complimentary consultation and we can talk about how best to treat all of your beauty concerns.


See you soon.


Do it Now: Ideal Winter Treatment #2

Next on my “Spring Ahead” plan are the Fraxel treatments–Dual and Repair. Since it’s easier to avoid the sun during January and February and the treatments take some weeks for optimal results to appear, wintertime is prime time for Fraxel.


The Fraxel Dual laser is the gold standard for laser skin rejuvenation and resurfacing. Exposure to the sun, air pollution, stress, fatigue, smoking and other life and age-related challenges take a toll. The safe and effective Fraxel laser minimizes the effects of these stressors, revealing youthful, fresh-looking skin. Pigmentation, scarring and lines will be diminished, and poor skin texture and tone will be reversed.


The Fraxel Repair laser has all of the benefits of the Dual treatment, and it has the ability to tighten skin, too. The most advanced laser system available, Fraxel Repair is the procedure of choice for deep lines, hard-to-erase lip lines, pronounced photodamage, sagging face and neck skin, facial wrinkles and discolorations, rough skin texture, and acne and surgical scars.


Both lasers target just the affected areas, so the surrounding skin tissue is left untouched and your body’s natural healing process is accelerated.


The clock has a way of ticking quickly after the holidays. Soon, we’ll be talking about bikinis and sunscreen. So, while the time is right, call my office to schedule a complimentary consultation and learn more about my Spring Ahead plan for staying ahead and staying beautiful.


See you soon.

Back to School Means Back to You

The school bells are ringing again and for moms, the sound means one thing–extra time. With kids back in the classroom, why not devote a little attention to yourself this fall?


Whether you are a new mother enduring the lingering effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding or a seasoned mom who forgets to put herself first sometimes, you could be a candidate for our Mommy Makeover, a collection of treatments that will help you feel and look as terrific as you can.


It is not uncommon for young mothers to experience such conditions as acne, acne scarring, melasma (darkened facial skin), cellulite, unwanted fat, unwanted hair growth, prominent facial blood vessels, loose skin, brown spots and stretch marks. Experienced moms may feel that they look tired and worn.


Wherever you are in life, I will customize a specific plan that will address all of your post-baby or super-parent beauty concerns in a way that is easy to accomplish, convenient and stress-free.


Here are a few possible conditions and treatments for all mommies, new and not-so-new:


Please call our office for a complimentary consultation. New seasons are a time for positive change, and we are ready to help you transform, physically and emotionally.


See you soon.


Out, Spot!

Some blemishes can make you feel as bad as Lady Macbeth did, but fortunately, some spots can be banished.


Dark spots and blotchy patches, whether brown, red or pink, large or small, are all classified as hyperpigmentation. Meaning, simply, extra pigment, dark skin discoloration can appear anywhere on your body. Typically, sun exposure and aging are to blame.


Various types of hyperpigmentation can emerge, due to different triggers, and we have treatments for all of them. Take a look below at which type you may have…


Melasma: Look for light to medium brown discoloration, usually on the cheeks, sides of your face, upper nose, forehead and lips. You may see splotchy patches in irregular sizes and shapes. Often, melasma appears when you are pregnant or have just gone through childbirth (it’s sometimes called “The Mask of Pregnancy”). A hormone surge during these times can cause the changes in your skin. Combined with excessive sun exposure, the effects may be pronounced.


            Our treatment: Fraxel Dual Laser


Sunspots, Age/Liver Spots: These are light to dark brown in color, and appear on the face, chest and hands. Usually, they are small and flat and caused by sun exposure.


            Our treatment: Fraxel Dual Laser, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), Diolite


PIH: Look for flat pink, red or brown spots on the face. If you’ve had inflammatory acne, you may be prone to this sort of hyperpigmentation.


            Our treatment: Light salicylic acid chemical peels


Freckles: You may notice small brown, red or black spots on your face, chest or arms. Sometimes, they appear quickly, after a long day in the sun, even with sunscreen.


            Our treatment: Fraxel Dual Laser, IPL, Diolite


Facial Blood Vessels: Vascular lesions, commonly called “spider veins” are extra blood vessels that are superficially located in the skin. Often, the skin of cheeks, chin and forehead appear red.


            Our treatment: Diolite, IPL


Our best advice for minimizing spots, of course, is to stay clear of the sun and wear sunscreen–and more sunscreen–every time that you go out, even when it’s cloudy.


For a specialized treatment plan crafted just for you, call our office for a complimentary consultation.


See you soon.


Glowing Skin for the Holidays

Snow has already started to fall in some areas and with the colder temperatures of the fall and winter season, comes a variety of skin concerns. In addition to dryness, one of the top concerns I hear about is dull, rough skin. When skin has lost its radiance, it looks older.

Where Did the Glow Go?

The natural glow from skin mainly comes from a high cellular turnover that reveals fresh new skin. As we age cellular turnover slows down and dead skin builds up to cause rough texture and lackluster skin.

Getting the Glow Back

There are a variety of ways you can go about getting your glow back.

DIET… Being conscious of your eating habits during the holidays will not only help you keep off the weight, but it’ll help your skin too. Sugar and processed foods aren’t good for the body and also reflect poorly on the skin. Staying hydrated and even eating foods with high water content can help. Foods with healthy fats, such as avocados, as well as other vegetables and fruits that are high in beta carotene and vitamin A empower radiant skin.

LIFESTYLE… Alcohol, soda, and caffeine drinks like coffee have a dehydrating effect on the skin. Smoking deprives the skin of vital nutrients and oxygen. Minimizing these vices can give your skin a better chance for healthy cellular production that’ll reflect externally. Getting good rest is important for rejuvenating your whole body and allows skin to restore its natural balance. Getting your “beauty sleep” isn’t just an old wives’ tale.

LASERS… These treatments offer a non surgical option for effective skin rejuvenation. Powerful targeted treatments beam tiny columns of light into the deeper layers of skin of a specific area. Lasers are available in different strengths and types to solve a variety of problems and reverse the signs of aging:

  • Resurface the skin to restore glow
  • Reduce deep lines and scars
  • Firm up skin
  • Reduce or eliminate skin pigmentation
  • Smooth out the skins’ surface and texture

Laser Options

Laser treatments offer flexibility tailored to your specific skin rejuvenation needs. If you’ve just recently noticed an increasing dull complexion or it’s been years since you’ve wanted to do something about it, there is a laser for you. We offer laser treatments from gentle to intense, all the while delivering visible results.

Fraxel Repair

  • more aggressive approach for significant levels of concern
  • carbon dioxide laser beams
  • removes old damaged tissue to stimulate collagen production
  • Fractional Deep Dermal Ablative (FDAA)
  • moderate recovery, yet is insignificant compared to surgery

Fraxel DUAL

  • middle strength for moderate levels of concern
  • erbium and thulium laser
  • safe for all skin types
  • very commonly used for pigmentation and texture
  • optimal results typically achieved in a series of treatments
  • may experience mild redness for a day or two, but no downtime

Clear + Brilliant

  • most gentle laser ideal for beginners wanting to “ease in to lasers”
  • done in a series of treatments with no downtime
  • visibly illuminates your skin tone
  • optimal results typically achieved in a series of treatments
  • no downtime

Let’s talk about the best laser options for you to restore your skin’s radiance and get back that glow for the holidays! Visit to learn more.


Dr. Covey

Refresh Your Face for Fall Holidays with Fraxel

One of the best options to rejuvenate your skin for Fall is with a FRAXEL laser treatment. You’ll love your smooth, clear complexion that radiates a youthful glow. Available in three different strengths, FRAXEL lasers offer a versatile, effective treatment option that provides the best non surgical results:

  1. CLEAR + BRILLIANT is a great option if you are new to laser treatments. It is the most gentle of the 3 lasers and is still effective at the early signs of aging.
  2. FRAXEL DUAL effectively addresses more moderate aging concerns. You can experience a remarkably more youthful appearance without any downtime.
  3. FRAXEL REPAIR penetrates deeper into the dermis to stimulate the rebuilding of collagen. It is the most intense of the 3 lasers, but requires fewer treatments to see rejuvenating results more quickly. Results are amazing and recovery is more of a “social downtime;” it is minimal, especially compared to the stronger chemical peels and surgical alternatives.


What is on your Fall beauty wish list? I’m sure some of these issues that can be treated with FRAXEL lasers are on there:

  • Age & Sun Spots pop up with exposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. These brown patches plague the face and body with an aged look. FRAXEL lasers can lighten this pigmentation to restore clear, bright, and even toned skin.
  • Skin Resurfacing restores the smooth texture, tightness, color, and brightness that diminishes over the years. While most treatments only address the externally affected skin, FRAXEL lasers resurface your skin from the inside out. They can reverse skin damage created by exposure to the sun, air pollution, stress, and fatigue. Harmful lifestyle factors can also cause the skin to lose its radiance, such as smoking, poor diet, and dehydration.
  • Wrinkles and lines that age the face can creep in as early as mid 2os, but usually are more noticeable starting in the 30s. They only get deeper with years of expression and muscle movement, reduced cellular turnover and increased moisture loss. Amazingly, FRAXEL lasers actually stimulate collagen rebuild and therefore the skin acts younger and tighter, reducing wrinkles.
  • Acne and Surgical Scars can mature the face years beyond natural age by causing an uneven, rough texture to the surface. In addition to being bumpy or pitted, the skin can be discolored.
  • Actinic Keratosis is a medical condition caused by pre-cancerous skin cells. More professionals are turning to FRAXEL lasers to help treat these scaly or crusty growths, and to provide relief for thousands of people.
  • Melasma presents as dark blotches caused by the hormonal changes in women’s bodies throughout the stages of life. Melasma is commonly associated with pregnancy and breastfeeding, oral contraceptives, or hormone replacement therapy. These dark brown spots are different than sun damage. FRAXEL can lighten melasma anywhere, but it most commonly appears on the forehead, lower cheeks, nose, and upper lip.

Refresh your face with FRAXEL and be ready for the social holiday season coming soon! Visit to learn more and schedule a consultation to see which FRAXEL laser is best for you.


Dr. Covey

Call us today toll-free, (855) DRCOVEY, to schedule a complimentary consultation or ask a question.

Beautiful Natural Results

Dr. Covey's proven and effective treatment plans are tailored especially for you.

Dr. Covey is committed to helping you dramatically enhance your appearance without undergoing traditional surgery. Using the latest and safest cosmetic treatments for face and body rejuvenation, Dr. Covey will help you achieve natural beautiful results, quickly and effectively. Your personalized treatment plan is tailored to meet your specific cosmetic needs.

Contact Us Today


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Dr. Covey has locations in Southampton, Manhattan, Center Moriches and Palm Beach.