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Category: Top Doctor

Body Sculpting for the Fall Holiday Season

The stores are full of fall décor, the temperature is cooling down, parties are beginning to get put on the calendar… we are coming into the fall holiday season. With all the family, social, and charitable events that will be filling up your days and nights, you’ll want to look and feel your best. Now is an ideal time to start your body’s holiday rejuvenation plan.

It’s always better to be proactive rather than to procrastinate, especially when it comes to your appearance. Take advantage of the lull in the social calendar now, rather than remembering you have a party the upcoming Friday and try to squeeze in a quick treatment on the Wednesday before. With the convenience of our “in and out” procedures, you’ll be on your way to a more youthful appearance yet won’t have to sacrifice time away from the social scene. By getting a head start now, you’ll have the full anti aging benefits of the treatments by the time the season is in full swing.

Here are some of the top treatments for restoring and contouring your body coming in to the fall season:

  1. As the weather cools down, body sculpting with SmartLipo TriPlex can help you look your best in your holiday attire. It will conveniently melt away stubborn fat bulges on the abdomen, hips, and thighs with minimal down time compared to traditional liposuction methods. Laser liposuction can help to shape the body to an aesthetic proportion so that your tummy is flatter, hips and buttocks are the right kind of curvy, and thighs are slimmer. This can help get you on the right track, which you can then maintain with a healthy diet and exercise routine. Also, amazingly, SmartLipo TriPlex lasers interact with collagen to help tighten and shrink the skin so it can even be used under the chin and upper arms.
  2. Cellulite Treatments with the Cellulaze Laser will smooth out the skin on your legs so you can confidently wear those above the knee dresses at cocktail parties. The Cellulaze Laser diminishes lumpy fat pockets while increasing the elasticity of skin with such effectiveness that over 93% of people surveyed were satisfied or very satisfied with the results.
  3. EXILIS fights both cellulite and fat using the most advanced radio frequency energy. It liquefies fat cells and tightens skin to reduce unwanted inches while lifting loose skin anywhere on your body. Some of the most popular areas are the Face, Jowls, Neck, Chest, Back, Love Handles, Bra Fat, Abdomen, Thighs, Hips, Buttocks and Knees.


Goals for Your New Look

Our goal for your body reshaping is to achieve harmony and balance for the entire body. We create a slimmer yet natural looking redefined body. What are your goals?

  • Do you want to tighten loose skin after dramatic weight loss or after childbirth?
  • Is feeling more confident in the stylish clothes of the season important to you?
  • How about feeling lighter, healthier, and more energetic to take on a holiday season with confidence?

Let’s get ready now for the coming holiday season by talking about your goals for your body transformation. And check out my website for more ideas on body contouring.


Dr. Alexander Covey

Fillers & Laser Resurfacing VS. Surgery

One of the most common questions I get is whether the non surgical options, such as fillers and lasers, really can offer visible, lasting results, or if cosmetic surgery is inevitable. To answer, it is important to at least have a general understanding of the main modalities of facial rejuvenation. Many factors play into whether someone can get very good results with lasers and fillers, and not need to resort to surgery. It is a topic I’ll discuss further in this week’s blog.

No Discomfort and Down Time

I couldn’t start without addressing the reasons to even consider fillers and lasers before surgery, of which there are many. Many people don’t want to go through the pain and time that it takes to recover from cosmetic surgery. Fillers and most lasers are in and out treatments with minor to no discomfort. Any side effects such as mild redness, tenderness or swelling diminish quickly and can be covered with mineral makeup so that there really isn’t any down time.

Instant Gratification

Result times from surgery can vary based on the kinds of surgery and its necessary recovery time, but most certainly it’s in the weeks to months time frame rather than days. Fillers, such as Juvederm and Juvederm Voluma XC, provide instant results that can last a year or 2. The rejuvenating changes from laser treatments are immediately visible, but increase over a few weeks, as the body is stimulated to produce more collagen. Lasers, such as Fraxel DUAL and Fraxel RePair actually empower skin to act younger again.

What Lasers and Fillers Can Do

Lasers and fillers are a great option when skin still has some elasticity, but needs help with firmness and wrinkles. You’d be amazed that you can look 10 years younger without drastic measures. Lasers stimulate collagen production, which produces a tightening effect on the skin. They also improve skin tone, smoothness, and correct pigmentation problems. As long as there’s still some skin elasticity, a successful alternative to an eye lift is the Fraxel RePair laser to lift and tighten sagging eyelids.

Fillers can be used in a variety of ways to improve wrinkles and restore volume to the face. A cheek augmentation with Juvederm Voluma XC creates a mini face lift. By adding volume to the cheeks, it can tighten the skin around the mouth and nose to decrease marionette and smile lines.

When Surgery is Necessary

As skin gets to the point where it doesn’t have elasticity and is literally hanging, it is time to consult a surgeon. Fortunately, with a great maintenance plan of skin care, Botox, fillers and lasers, your skin can stay younger looking for much longer.

Visit to find out about all the alternatives to surgery with the youth restoring laser and filler treatments available.


Dr Covey

Intro to Fraxel: The Best Laser Treatments Available Today

Want to know about the trendiest laser treatments available now? This one laser technology can offer so much that people are raving about all the great results. Even better is that the intensity can be customized to your specific needs without foregoing your youthful “glow.” I’m talking about the Fraxel lasers. There are a couple of different types, which can be confusing, so in this blog I’ll do an overview of all the different kinds, and then later this month, we’ll go a bit more in depth.

Specialized treatments are great, but I love the flexibility of the Fraxel laser since it can be used for a multitude of quick fixes. Whether you’re looking to rejuvenate your skin by minimizing mild, moderate or deep wrinkles, sun spots or scars, sagging or rough texture, all of that is addressed by the Fraxel lasers.

Solta, the pioneer of fractionated laser treatments, has developed three different laser modalities to address everything from mild concerns to aggressive concerns. All are very precise and based on the same cutting edge technology. So the question isn’t necessarily which laser is better, but the question is what intensity of treatment do you need and how much recovery are you willing to experience to get the results?

Don’t get me wrong, you can’t even begin to compare the down time of a cosmetic surgery and the pain you go through, with the minimal discomfort and minimal downtime experienced with Fraxel laser treatments. Any downtime with these lasers is more of a “social” downtime, where your skin may look a little red and irritated, which is easily healed with extra moisturizer and covered with mineral makeup. Even the most intense of these laser treatments (Fraxel Repair) can have less of a recovery than a strong chemical peel.

So how do these fractionated lasers work?

You’ll need to arrive about an hour before treatment time in order to prep, which usually includes topically numbing the area to be treated. The treatment itself only takes 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the area. The hand held Fraxel laser beams tiny columns of light into the deeper layers of skin on the specific area to be treated. It is extremely precise so it will not damage any of the surrounding areas. You’ll probably experience a prickling sensation, although it’s relatively pain free depending on which intensity laser you need. What’s really neat is that this stimulates the skin’s ability to repair itself and create more collagen.

What are the main differences between them?

I’ll go more in depth on each laser in the following weeks, so this is a brief overview.

Fraxel Repair is the most intense of the lasers and may be good if you are looking for significant repair from many years of damage. Fraxel DUAL is the medium level laser that uses 2 wavelengths to treat multiple skin conditions and multiple skin colors. Clear + Brilliant is the most gentle and a great laser for those who want to “ease in” to laser treatments while still receiving visible results.

Stay tuned to learn more about how Fraxel lasers restore a more youthful face and body. Until my next blog, you can visit


Dr Covey

Skin Solutions for the 30s, 40s, 50s and Beyond!

Skin ages differently over the decades. How your skin ages over the years can be determined in part by your genetics and how you take care of your skin, but also there are a couple of  important external factors that will affect how quickly the signs of aging set in.

Top 3 Factors that Damage Skin

As difficult as it is in the summer to stay out of the sun, this is one of the most significant factors in causing skin to lose its collagen and elastin. Along with the loss of volume and firmness, the sun causes pigmentation that accumulates over the years.  It causes skin to be dry and wrinkles to set.

You may think that diet really only affects your body image and whether you keep or lose weight, but the quality of what you eat and drink does reflect in your skin. You may want to tame that sweet tooth because sugar causes inflammation in the body and wrinkles. Consuming lots of water and keeping hydrated helps flush your skin of toxins.

Speaking of toxins, the pollution in our environment causes oxidative stress on the cells that damages them. The smog mixed with summer heat makes an especially harmful combination that causes Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) to wound skin cell membranes and lipids. This significantly speeds up the aging process unless you protect your skin.

Signs of Aging over the Decades and How to Fix Them

The years take away the youthful glow, firmness, and clarity of skin, but even moderate damage can be restored with non surgical treatments. Hormonal changes in the 20s and 30s can cause adult acne, but also the first wrinkles and signs of pigmentation can start showing up.  BOTOX and DYSPORT can be used as preventative to keep the wrinkles from setting and deepening.

In the 40s, the slowing of skin cell shedding causes the skin to lose its youthful glow, and it tends to look dull and rough. Age spots pop up because the skin cannot repair itself quickly or completely. Brightening and smoothing out the skin with CLEAR + BRILLIANT fractional laser treatment helps the skin tone look even, also minimizing wrinkles and pore visibility. To specifically address the deepening wrinkles of the 40s both fillers like RESTYLANE and JUVEDERM, and neurotoxins, such as BOTOX and DYSPORT, are a must.

Deep wrinkles and loss of firmness are most prevalent in the 50s and 60s. Declining collagen and elastin levels cause skin to become thinner, more fragile, and the underlying skin structure to be less supported. Lasers can work wonders to lighten discoloration and stimulate collagen production. FRAXEL REPAIR and FRAXEL DUAL lasers offer the best possible skin resurfacing results that stimulate the skin to heal, while tightening and lightening dark spots.

As summer is coming to a close and you’re wanting to repair the visible signs of aging caused by the sun, no matter what decade of life you’re in, we have an effective non surgical solution. Visit to find the best skin solutions for your 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond!


Dr. Covey

Farewell Freckles, Hello Clear Skin

Unless you’ve been very careful to avoid sunlight or always wear cover ups, hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen, you’re probably noticing you’ve picked up at least a few more freckles by this point in the summer. These brown sun spots occur as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. This pigmentation is a major cause of visible aging. Blotchy, uneven skin tone makes the skin have a weathered appearance when contrasted with the clear, even toned complexion of youth.

We use the most advanced treatments for all different kinds of pigmentation and  skin types. Here are some of my top picks:


Lasers generate an intense beam of light that destroys the unwanted cells in the affected area, leaving only healthy cells behind. If you or someone you know has had a laser treatment for pigmentation in the past, don’t worry, Diolite is NOT like the older lasers that were painful and left behind blistered and crusty skin. Revolutionary Diolite is gentle, precise and controlled. With the Diolite laser, we can direct the light to the treatment area only, which leaves the surrounding tissue intact.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light ) Treatment

IPL is a breakthrough, age defying photorejuvenation procedure that quickly, effectively, and non-invasively treats skin damage. Pulsed-light systems treat pigmentation very similarly to lasers. IPL is a versatile treatment to correct all kinds of facial skin imperfections and signs of aging, such as rosacea (facial inflammation), sun spots, vascular lesions, and acne scarring.  It can safely treat any area (face, neck, chest, hands, legs, etc.) except the delicate thin skin around the eyes. Photorejuvenation offers long-term results without any downtime, recovery time or chemicals, and IPL is the “The Gold Standard” for photorejuvenation.


GentleWaves is a non-thermal, low intensity light-emitting diode treatment that uses a carefully timed sequence of emissions to activate the skin’s natural rejuvenation process. Unlike laser treatments that can cause a snapping sensation, GentleWaves treatments are entirely painless. Youth restoring results are more gradual with patients reporting noticeable changes as early as after 5 to 7 treatments, which can be done on a weekly basis.


Fraxel laser treatments offer the most advanced technology for improving skin’s radiance and youthfulness. Depending on  the intensity of the treatment you need, you can choose from Fraxel re:pair, Fraxel DUAL or Clear & Brilliant.  All the Fraxel lasers are state of the art devices, each with their own advantages. You can check out this month’s newsletter for more information about Fraxel laser treatments.

With so many options, there’s no reason you can’t say farewell to your freckles and skin discoloration, and say hello to that youthful glow. Visit or call to find out which treatment is best for your skin.


Dr. Covey

Beach Body Sculpting without Major Surgery

Men and women both can have body fat issues, but typically men accumulate extra fat on their stomach and around the waist. For women, fat tends to accumulate on their hips, thighs, and buttocks. Being overweight changes the way your body functions, which can create a vicious cycle that is hard to break, even with diet and exercise. Carrying extra pounds can also be bad for your overall health because it causes inflammation, slows circulation, and weakens your immune system.

Does your body have any stubborn fat bulges that just won’t go away? If you have areas of fat that will not respond to diet and exercise, and you thought your only option was major surgery, I hope you’ll be relieved to know, there is a less invasive solution… SmartLipo TriPlex!  SmartLipo TriPlex is the safest, most advanced body sculpting and fat removing laser liposuction technique available!

The three wave lengths of laser light in SmartLipo TriPlex result in better fat removal and tighter skin, than previous laser treatment methods. The lasers virtually melt away the fat cells, then some are suctioned away and some of it is removed naturally by the body’s lymphatic system. This laser method has a recovery time that is quicker than with traditional liposuction, and it has been approved as safe by the FDA for use in the United States since 2006.

Even if you haven’t had success with traditional liposuction or you want to remove fat from difficult areas of the body, you should give SmartLipo TriPlex a chance. Due to the exact nature of lasers, SmartLipo TriPlex can treat localized pockets of fat in targeted areas without the risk of lumpy after effects. The laser energy also interacts with collagen in the skin which later causes the skin to tighten and shrink.

SmartLipo TriPlex offers exceptionally high precision contouring for fine tuning your beach body. It offers precise body sculpting that is perfect for:

  • waistlines
  • abdomen
  • inner or outer thighs
  • hips
  • upper arms
  • buttocks
  • under the chin

Ideal candidates are in good health and not looking for extreme body changes.   SmartLipo TriPlex is excellent for removing fat from those areas where the bulge or pooch just won’t go away. You don’t have to worry if a long down time or recovery time isn’t an option. Since SmartLipo TriPlex is a minimally invasive procedure, it can be performed under local anesthesia. Our patients typically return to normal activities within 24 hours. All that is needed is an oral pain medication to take the edge off any mild soreness or ache.

So are you ready to say goodbye to the ‘muffin top’ or the ‘spare tire’, and say hello to the ‘thigh gap’  or flat abs of your dreams? With SmartLipo TriPlex the treated areas will appear tighter, smoother, and smaller soon after your procedure.  The skin and surrounding area will smooth out to look like a natural body contour.

Visit to learn how we can help you melt away your stubborn fat and get that beach body without major surgery.


Dr. Covey

Say Goodbye to Cellulite

Summer heat is here and that means we’re showing more skin. This month, I’ll be focusing on the laser treatments that can help smooth, lift, and contour your body to boost your confidence.

One of the most prevalent concerns for getting beach body ready is that “c” word… yes, cellulite.  It’s estimated that 85% of all women 20 years and older have cellulite. Diet and exercise can help reduce your weight, but neither can help you get rid of cellulite. Fortunately, there finally is a solution: Cellulaze Laser! While other treatments temporarily treat the appearance of cellulite – Cellulaze Laser removes it! In only ONE Cellulaze Laser treatment, my patients have been very pleased when they see dramatic results of cellulite reduction and smoother skin on their abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, and arms. The revolutionary Cellulaze Laser  is the world’s first minimally invasive approach to attacking cellulite where is begins… in the subdermal layers of the skin!

What is cellulite?

We’ve all seen those unsightly dimples and depressions on the surface of the skin that usually appear in abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and sometimes arms. They are caused by several physiological changes as women age: 1. hardening of tissue underneath the skin 2. an increase in the quantity or size of fat cells pushing up through the tissue beneath the skin and 3. weight gain and aging that causes stretching of the thin connective tissue under the skin.

How does the Cellulaze Laser treatment work?

Cellulaze uses a multi dimensional approach to specifically target below the surface of the skin into the dermal layers where the root causes of the cellulite occur. The treatment can be performed under local anesthesia due to its minimally invasive nature. It will take one to two hours, depending on the size of the areas to be treated.  Afterwards there could be a mild ache, similar to what you’d feel after a good physical workout.

Here’s the process:

  • The Cellulaze laser is inserted under the skin with a very small cannula (a narrow tube about the size of the tip of a pen)
  • The cannula directs a controlled laser thermal energy to the treatment zone using proprietary ThermaGuide and SmartSense intelligent energy delivery system to ensure safe, effective, and uniform laser controls
  • The laser diminishes the lumpy pockets of fat, releases the areas of skin depression and increases the elasticity and thickness of the skin

What results can you expect?

The revolutionary Cellulaze Laser is the most advanced laser treatment available. This treatment flattens and smoothes the skin’s surface because it increases thickness and elasticity from below. It is backed by many years of clinical research to give proven, longer-lasting results. Clinical studies have shown results can last for one year or longer. As a matter of fact, 93% of patients surveyed were satisfied or very satisfied with their results at one year after their procedure, and all would recommend the Cellulaze cellulite laser treatment to a friend.

Visit to set an appointment to see how to enjoy a cellulite free rest of your summer.


Dr. Covey

Top 4 Fixes for Fabulous Eyes

Rejuvenating the eye area is one of the most effective ways to bring back a youthful appearance to the whole face. When I search online for the top concerns you have about the aging appearance of your eyes, I see a lot of the same questions I get in my office. Rest assured that you’re not alone in your desire for your eyes to look bigger, brighter, and youthful. Having smooth, alert, and cheerful eyes will boost your confidence. This reflects positively in your career and personal life. So here are some answers to a few of the most asked questions about getting fabulous eyes:

  1. How can I lift my drooping brows & eyelids without surgery, like a facelift? THERMAGE/THERMAL LIFT to the rescue! It is the best non surgical face lift that can correct droopy brows and eyelids. It is FDA approved and has been used thousands of times successfully. THERMAGE/THERMAL LIFT empowers the body to rejuvenate itself by creating more collagen that can have the lasting effects of smoother, tighter skin for years.
  2. What can I do to get rid of under eye puffiness or sunkeness? Besides getting a good night’s rest and staying hydrated, there are a couple of methods we can use depending on your unique situation. THERMAGE/THERMAL LIFTwill also help reduce the appearance of puffiness under the eyes and the hollow tear troughs by lifting and firming the skin. RESTYLANE, JUVEDERM, and BELOTERO are all dermal fillers that use natural injectable hylauronic acid to instantly plump and smooth under eye hollows.
  3. How can I lessen the appearance of crow’s feet and other wrinkles around my eyes? Laugh lines are better than frown lines, but no lines are best of all. Tell those wrinkles to “relax” with BOTOX or DYSPORT. They are both FDA approved botulinum injections that can be a great choice for those stubborn, deep set wrinkles. BOTOX or DYSPORT smooth out the lines by blocking nerve impulses to the muscles that cause the creases. You can have visibly more youthful eyes in as early as a week.
  4. Is there a cosmetic procedure to treat dark circles under my eyes? While there isn’t a cosmetic “concealer” treatment to replace your makeup, there are non-invasive treatments that can reduce the causes that make the dark circles more apparent. These dark circles are usually accentuated by the shadows from space between the bulge or ‘puffiness’ that can occur immediately under the lower eyelid and the under eye hollows coming from the tear trough. By addressing both the bulge and the hollow tear troughs, there will be less of an appearance of dark circles. THERMAGE/THERMAL LIFT will lift the eye area and help reduce the distension and then hylauronic acid fillers RESTYLANE, JUVEDERM, and BELOTERO will instantly restore fullness and smoothness to sunken or hollow tear troughs.

With all the attention to the eyes throughout July, I hope you can now feel completely confident knowing that I have many options to help your eyes look big, bright, and youthful. Visit or call to make your appointment for fabulous eyes today!


Dr. Covey

 Tips to Keep Eyes Looking Young

If I could only treat one area of the face, for most people it would be the eye area. This is because the eyes are the focal point of the face and this area is also the first to show signs of aging. The skin around the eyes is actually 10 times thinner than the rest of the face. It is constantly in motion with daily smiling, laughing, frowning, squinting, and even simply blinking!

The delicate skin around the eyes also gets a daily stretching between being rubbed when sleepy or itchy, tugged to remove makeup, and pulled when inserting contact lenses. All this movement, along with the natural slowing of collagen production with age, causes the sagging, fine lines, and deep wrinkles.

I’m definitely a fan of laughing and enjoying life, so I’m not going to tell you to stop being expressive with your eyes (although it does take more muscles to frown than smile so frowning less is good for more than one reason). But besides caring more delicately for your eye area, there are some more ways to maintain and regain the ‘bright eyes’ of your youth.


We all know that what we put in our body can help or harm its ability to rejuvenate itself. Water plays a crucial role in maintaining the elasticity of skin, so drink up. But don’t drink alcohol often since it is very dehydrating.

Sunshine with Protection 

The sun is great for elevating our mood and Vitamin D, but UV rays cause 90% of skin’s aging. I suggest always wearing a hat and sunscreen. Also, wearing sunglasses will prevent UV damage and will keep you from creating deeper crow’s feet from squinting.

Kick the Habit 

If not for the proven health reasons, consider that smoking cigarettes containing nicotine will damage your body’s ability to produce collagen. Nicotine causes the blood vessels under the eyes and in the face to be constricted and unable to absorb nutrients. They’ll be unable to make collagen, which keeps skin firm, full, and young looking.


Everyday maintenance of your skin with a clinically proven skin care system or serum will help maintain any cosmetic treatments and other efforts to restore youthfulness. We offer some great options including our own personalized line of skin care products.

Restorative treatments

Preventative actions to slow the signs of aging eyes are crucial, but if you’re 30 years old or older you, more than likely already have some repairing to do. To enhance the youthful appearance of your eye area, I recommend a couple of cosmetic quick fixes that are ‘in and out’ procedures:

  1. “Relax” the muscles that are creating these crow’s feet and other wrinkles around the eyes with botulinum injections BOTOX or DYSPORT.
  2. Fill the sunken under eye troughs that hollow the eyes and cause the appearance of dark circles with hylauronic acid injections RESTYLANE, JUVEDERM, or BELOTERO.
  3. Lift the hooded eye lid or brow with THERMAGE CPT, the only ‘no down time’, non surgical face lift.


Follow these tips for going easy on your eyes and you’ll be happy with what you see!


Dr. Covey


Are you considering cosmetic procedures to restore the youthful appearance around your eyes?  Here are some of the most common questions I get regarding the non surgical treatments that I offer to rejuvenate the eye area:

What ‘in and out’ procedures do you have for the eye area? I offer many outpatient treatment options that can be accomplished in less than an hour. BOTOX and DYSPORT are botulinum injections that cause the muscles to “relax”, which creates a smooth effect that is perfect for most cases of crow’s feet. THERMAGE/THERMAL LIFT is the very popular non surgical face lift that corrects droopy brows and eyelids. It also smoothes and softens fine lines, crow’s feet, and puffiness under the eyes. RESTYLANE, JUVEDERM, and BELOTERO aredermal fillersthat instantly restore fullness and smoothness to sunken or hollow tear troughs.

Is it possible to see good results without major surgery? Yes! I am very pleased to offer a large selection of effective treatments that do not require the scalpel. The injectables use a small amount of liquid in a very fine needle to smooth and fill fine lines. And I proudly offer the THERMAGE CPT procedure, which uses patented radio frequency technology to heat and cool the skin simultaneously to result in visible tightening and lifting of skin.

How quickly will I see results? Results are visible within a few days to a few weeks, depending on the treatment. For example, DYSPORT is great for smoothing out crow’s feetand takes effect in 1 to 2 days. BOTOX can restore eye’s youthful appearance by “relaxing” the muscles that cause crow’s feet within 3 to 10 days. THERMAGE/THERMAL LIFT stimulates collagen production for visible eye lifting results revealed within a few weeks. The fillers RESTYLANE, JUVEDERM, and BELOTERO provide instant age defying effects!

How long will results last? Hylauronic acid fillers that can plump up hollow tear troughs will last 6 months or longer. We’ve also noticed that having a “touch up” treatment before the hylauronic acid fully dissipates will help the results to last longer.  Eye rejuvination from botulinum injections will last a fewmonths, as well. THERMAGE CPT can tighten, smooth and lift for up to several years, depending upon the individual aging process.

How do I know which treatment is best for me? While some injectables accomplish the same task, such as BOTOX and DYSPORT, there are subtle differences that make one or the other a better choice for each individual. I am happy to help my patients to decide on the best treatment options for their unique needs. I offer the safest, most advanced options in non surgical rejuvenation technology to choose from.

Visit or call to let me help you find the optimal procedure for enhancing the beauty and youth of your eyes today.  Afterwards, we won’t be able to take our eyes off your eyes!


Dr. Covey


It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but our topic today is the beauty of the eyes of the beholden. Studies show that the eyes are the foremost feature that is noticed in most faces. The leading ladies of Hollywood and even your friends on social media are showing off their youthful, bright, sparkling eyes in close up photos, don’t you think it’s time to start your own ‘all eyes on my eyes’ campaign? Here’s the list of the top procedures that are quick fixes to the most common concerns with the eye area:

  • BOTOX is a botulinum injection that causes the muscles to “relax”, which creates a smooth effect that is perfect for most cases of crow’s feet. A very small amount of Botox toxin is precisely injected into the specific muscles with very minimal discomfort. FDA approved as safe for over 15 years, Botox’s youth restoring effects are visible within 3 to 10 days and last a few months.
  • DYSPORT is very similar to Botox since it is a FDA approved injectable form of botulinum toxin Type A.  It is great for smoothing out fine lines, such as crow’s feet. Dysport is simply a competitor to Botox that may be a better fit for some patients because it may last longer in some people and may be more affordable. It also works faster since it takes effect in 1 to 2 days.
  • THERMAGE/THERMAL LIFT is the non surgical face lift that is very popular to correct droopy brows and eyelids. This FDA approved procedure also smoothes and softens fine lines, crow’s feet, andpuffiness under the eyes. Results aren’t instant, but correct at the source, by empowering the body to create more collagen, which tightens and smoothes the skin for up to several years, depending upon the individual aging process.
  • RESTYLANE is adermal filler that instantly restores fullness and smoothness to sunken or hollow tear troughs. This long lasting, natural injectable restores that energetic, bright look to hollow or dark under eyes, using hylauronic acid, which is a safe, natural substance that our bodies produce less of as we age. It is non animal based, therefore requires no allergy testing and also lasts twice as long as bovine collagen injections.
  • JUVEDERM is the most advancedhylauronic acid’ injectable available today for filling creases and hollows, such as under eye sunkeness. Clinical testing shows that the treatment may involve less discomfort that other injectables.
  • BELOTERO also uses hyaluronic acid (HA) to fill fine lines, crow’s feet, and sunken under eyes to restore youthful appearance of the eye area. This FDA approved injectable provides instant results that are subtle and natural in appearance.

Visit or call to let me help you find the best treatment to restore your eye’s youthful radiance.  Afterwards, you’ll be so happy, you won’t believe your eyes!


Dr. Covey


A great first impression in the business world starts with a firm handshake and looking right into the eyes of your counterpart. The eyes can speak to your sincerity, confidence, and conviction, but you don’t want them to communicate that you’re tired, old or weary. This is why many men are turning to cosmetic procedures to help give them that extra edge. And these procedures have to be subtle, “in and out” with no recovery time, so that they can get right back into the action. Men have some unique issues with their skin, and some universal ones. Here are some of the most common concerns and fixes for a man’s eye area:

1.  DROOPY BROWS & EYELIDS could mistakenly communicate a gruff, angry, tired or sour disposition rather than the energetic, healthy look you want. This loss of the natural eyebrow arch can be caused by excessive brow movement and issues with the levator muscle. BOTOX (aka “BROTOX” as the men whimsically call it) DYSPORT or THERMAGE/THERMAL LIFT can bring up the eyebrows to their natural, youthful position.

2.  CROW’S FEET are the fine lines that start at the outer corner of the eyes and fan out, which gives a squinty, aged look to any eye.  These are caused by repetitive muscle activity, but we can restore a smooth, youthful appearance by using BOTOX or DYSPORT.

3.  UNDER EYE BULGES caused by fat redistributing from the eye socket to underneath the lower eyelid is a tell tale sign of aging. THERMAGE/THERMAL LIFT may be used to correct this puffiness under the eyes.

4.  SUNKEN OR HOLLOW TEAR TROUGHS can give eyes an unhealthy sallow look. They start in the tear ducts on either side of the nose, just below the bridge of the nose and lower eyelid, and can extend as far downward as the cheek. We restore the eye’s vitality with RESTYLANE, JUVEDERM or BELOTERO.

5.  DARK CIRCLES say ‘I’m tired and worn out’, which isn’t the message you want to send to your clients, coworkers or boss. With RESTYLANE, JUVEDERM, PERLANE or BELOTERO, we can diminish the appearance of dark circles that are caused by the shadows from space between the bulge or ‘puffiness’ that can occur immediately under the lower eyelid and the under eye hollows coming from the tear trough.

In summary, the best options for men desiring fast results with no down time include hyaluronic acid fillers like RESTYLANE or JUVEDERM to replace sagging and hollowing with a firmer young looking fullness, and BOTOX or DYSPORT to smooth out lines and wrinkles. The injectables mentioned above are very effective for quickly presenting a younger, healthier, energetic appearance of the eyes. With only minor discomfort, bruising, swelling or redness that most men wouldn’t blink an eye at, more youthful eyes can be restored within the time frame of a lunch break. In about a 15 minute treatment time by Dr. Covey, most people are on their way to a productive day.

Call us today toll-free, (855) DRCOVEY, to schedule a complimentary consultation or ask a question.

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Dr. Covey is committed to helping you dramatically enhance your appearance without undergoing traditional surgery. Using the latest and safest cosmetic treatments for face and body rejuvenation, Dr. Covey will help you achieve natural beautiful results, quickly and effectively. Your personalized treatment plan is tailored to meet your specific cosmetic needs.

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